Know Your Enemy


" that we would not be outwitted by Satan; for we are not ignorant of his designs." - 2Corintians 2:11

Contrary to the teaching of Derek Prince and the book "God's Plan for Man," All demons originate from fallen angels just like Satan. Revelation says that 1/3 of the angels (stars) were drag down by Satan. If you noticed, in the Bible, most of the time, angels are associated with the stars. It is not simply the bright shiny stars but all stellar bodies in the universe. That includes the moon, planets, clouds and asteroids. These are the things that are specifically named as constellations and are used in astrology to govern the lives and define the personalities of people on earth. That is no coincidence. In the same language God has assigned every stellar body to an angel as their heavenly station. According to Jude verse 6 and 13 that is the station they abandoned. Now, one third of the actual, or even the visible stars themselves is more than every human alive now plus more than every human that ever lived. That is literally an astronomical amount and variety of personalities. Not only that but they also have a hierarchy. There are traditionally seven levels of heaven. 1) The earthly sky seen by day, 2) The space beyond the earthly sky seen by night, 3) The spiritual world of angels by at least 3 rank levels, then the archangels and last God's Throne. 

Since they forsook their proper place in heaven, then that is not the heavens the Bible is talking about in Ephesians 6:12, but rather the earthly heavens of human authority, power and our atmosphere (Eph. 2:2).

Ephesians 2:2 and 6:12 is referring to heavens in the earthly realm and the fallen angels as unclean spirits, confined to this earth. It would likewise be a mistake to think demons can't fly. Since they are spirit beings not subject to our known laws of gravity, they certainly can fly but only within the confines of this earth. But, where in sky the would they go, because humans don't live in the sky, and I'm certain they have no fear of falling from an airplane.

Otherwise, the Biblical description of angels as having wings is simply a childish way of describing spiritual realities. The spirit world is not comprehensible to our immature earthly minds. Every description in the Bible of anything in the heavenly spirit world is figurative language.

There are many demons who play subservient, benign roles (Casper the Friendly Ghost as a example of personalities and ranks). That is why many of them can be mistaken as angels of light or servants of righteousness, as stated in 2Corinthians 11:14.

Daniel 10:20,21 and Rev. 2:13 also that Satan and his demons have ruling territories.

In the beginning these fallen angels could have been considered as an invasion of intelligent extraterrestrial beings that overwhelmingly outnumbered humans living on earth at that time, and interbreed with humans to create a race of superior hybrid humanoids. These are not whom God created the earth for (Psalms 115:16), yet they dominated and corrupted the earth, the human race and God's plan. The earth at that time had to destroyed. The alteration of earth's atmosphere from stable to unstable meant instant and definite destruction to the hybrid humanoids. However, their fathers, the fallen angels were barred from regaining their spiritual bodies which they abandoned. Barred also from their God given privilege to rematerialize into a physical body as angels have a right to do, when they perished in Noah's Flood. This means after the destruction of the Noachian flood these fallen angels become dis-embodied spirits. They are imprisoned and in darkness by their barred condition as stated in Jude verse 6. Their only source of freedom is to inhabit another body. Obviously, they cannot repossess a spiritual body because that means direct communion with God. The story in Job when God called an assembly of all angels including Satan only means he was allowed special permission. It is not likely the other Fallen angels accompanied Satan in that assembly, because job 1:6 says only the Sons on God and Satan appeared, but Satan was disowned, fallen from being a son as are the rest of the fallen angels. Only God gives the privilege to transfigure into a spirit body. What else was the assembly for, it does not say, but most likely to allow Satan to state his case and his challenge against God.

Still, the only way these disembodied spirits can inhabit a physical body is by permission or by invitation. For example, in Job 1:12 God gave Satan permission to afflict everything he owned, even his body with a disease, God stated the limit of his life itself. Satan has no authority to "touch" God's people to that extent. For example, in Luke 22:31 the Devil demanded that the disciples be sifted as wheat. He made the same demand or challenge to God about Job. This means to be sifted is to remove the shell that protects the grain, so our protective shell, which is our normal human behavior or mentality, our fleshly desires, must be removed as in 2Corinthians 4:16. However, as the Messiah suffered being put under the test, he is in a position now to help us being put under a test according to Hebrews 2:14-18 and Rev. 2:10.

Since this can only be done by authority, then only by permission of an adult human can they inhabit the body of animals, any other living organism, and children. Christ Jesus gave permission for the demons to enter the herd of swine, not because he was the Son of God, but that he was human as the Son of Man. In Genesis 1:26 God gave humans authority over all earthly creatures as our exclusive dominion, and for this reason alone, a sacrifice of animals we domesticated can atone for our sin, but is sufficient for our eternal life (Hebrews 9:22). 

However, these demons can only be called, summoned or invoked by their original God-given name. This is why in the Bible the angels never allow anyone to know their name. And to some extent even the demons do not want us to know their real names because they could become a slave to us like a Genii. For example, stories like Rumpelstiltskin and Alladin’s Lamp are about demons.

This means it is very likely that all infectious diseases were created by witchdoctors (pharmacy) to allow demons to have access and infect our bodies. Whenever someone is cursed with a disease then demons are given permission to inhabit the bodies of micro-organisms. Therefore, diseases are imposed upon us regardless of our actions or habits, even if we are unaware of when or how it happened. However, children cannot be infected or even be born with a defect without their parent’s indirect permission, even if we have no idea how it happened. 

For example, an adult may have a Ouija board in his house, if some children visiting finds it and plays with it, simply because they have access to it from an adult means permission for a demon.

So, it seems necessary that all curses must be broken before conception and at birth, to prevent any birth defects otherwise we are all just gambling our chances.

However, we are poisoned everyday by our altered human environment through our food, water, air, clothes, shelter, business and entertainment, but getting sick from poisoning is not a demon. So not every unclean spirit or evil spirit is a demon. There is a spiritual nature that coexists with our physical nature, for humans, animals and maybe even plants. However, this is one generic, all-encompassing, pervasive spirit (Ecclesiastes 8:8; 3:18-21). This spirit does not have individual personalities like the disembodied spirits of demons. This does not imply the legitimacy of ancestor worship. What this does imply is that our bad or good spiritual disposition can be infectious to other people and animals. This is normally demonstrated in the form of music and our fellowship with good or evil people. Therefore, we have people with toxic personalities who will likewise physically cause other people to get sick. Although, curiously, in regards to healing, the Bible, in the book of Acts 19:11, 12 seems to legitimize the use of “prayer cloths” to heal people, but these were clothes Paul had used, his personal items, not clothes he prayed over. Although, this is in regards to the Holy Spirit, similar to what happened with Elijah, Elisha and Moses. But, “prayer cloths” is a common practice of witch doctors, using cloths and other objects to pass-off evil, unclean spirits as curses to other people. What else would you expect if we were to wear the used clothes of a witchdoctor? The problem is that demons don’t possess or inhabit inanimate objects. Whereas the Holy Spirit, which is not an individual person but Gods Power, can reside in inanimate objects. Likewise, the human spirit whether influenced by good or evil can infect the clothing or a favored object of ours. Therefore, it seems very important that we carefully chose any used clothes we buy, because we have no idea from whom it came from. It could have worn by a very evil or sick person.

Now, someone with an evil, unclean spirit usually manifest as an abnormal habitual desire and a compulsion. If we feel we have a behavior we can’t control, there is something we are obsessed about, in some cases it might not be a demon but our human spirit. In discerning spiritual things there is no obvious, visual, audible, or physical distinction between our human spirit, a demon, or God’s Spirit, except by character or message. This is taught by John G. Lake and Derek Prince. So, lets see how this applies to masturbation. This is a compulsion that is driven by our hormones, yet it feels like a demon, an unclean spirit we cannot control, that posses us. Then, are our hormones an unclean, evil spirit or a human spirit? If we lack those particular hormones then we don’t have that compulsion anymore to the extent that we can control our sexual desire. God made those hormones. If we use that sexual compulsion to sin against someone then it is evil and unclean. If we are not sinning against anyone by means of our sexual compulsion through masturbation, are we therefore sinning against God who gave us those desires? NO.

The primary line of defense for our immune system and antibodies are our nose, mouth, skin and genitalia. They have to prevent any disease from accessing our blood where it can then access, infect, inhabit anywhere in our body. Ironically that is what most vaccines do - they introduce a fake or disabled virus directly into the bloodstream. Disabled or fake - the demons have access. Strangely animals don't easily get sick from contact with bacteria and viruses considering they usually eat and live in dirt. Although, it is because only humans are imperfect, in a fallen state, not the animals until we domesticate them, still however a person redeemed by the ransom sacrifice of Christ should not have a faltering immune system. Obviously, it can fail if we are physically weak. It can fail if we are spiritually weak simply by means of committing a sin and It can fail if we are emotionally weak. Our environment of business and entertainment is particularly insidious because we casually give consent to many things without knowing its origin. However, if we are mentally weak then the demons already have access. The only reason someone is able to see the apparition of a demon as a ghost, is by reason of a demon having access within a person mentally, can make the person see what it wants him to see, because demons as disembodied spirits are not capable to articulate and manipulate physical objects except through a host.

Physically there is little we can do prevent an infectious disease except to practice good hygiene. Proper nutrition is usually too expensive and unreliable to prevent infection at the first line-of-defense. However, having a strong spiritual mind is the best way to control the physical body and therefore the best defense against an infectious disease. Our minds should not even become distracted with worldly concerns according to Isaiah 26:3 - You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you.

However, our primary means of defense is to call upon the Name of Almighty God Jehovah for protection and deliverance, according to Joel 2:32. (LORD is a in mistranslation of YHWH as Jehovah, in many Bibles; it is not Jesus). The power of God's self-described Name is absolute. Ancient Israel mostly had no problem with demons until they strayed away greatly from true worship that they even would not pronounce the Name YHVH as their God. Thus, by the time the Messiah arrived as the Son of man, Israel, God's chosen people was plagued with demonic oppression. Just like most Christian churches today have strayed from true worship.

In my opinion on most cases of Pentecostal ministers casting-out, expelling demons from people as Deliverance is sadly misguided. They have nothing in common with Christ and the Apostles.

First of all, it should never be a struggle to evict a demon from any person.

A demon should never feel free to verbally object to leave a person. Ultimately this is a sign that the demon is playing games and only pretending to leave a person.

Second, demons are inherently defiant. They only leave a person against their will by forced eviction when the Holy Spirit or an Angel pulls and rips then out of a person. That is why people are torn in agony, even when the Christ himself expelled demons from people. He is not capable of making it a less agonizing experience. Therefore, it should be quick, not time-consuming negotiations with the demons.

Third, demon spoke-out and revealed themselves to the Christ only for purpose to discredit his identity as the Son of God, because Satan is the Father of the Lie (John 8:44). Otherwise, are demons so stupid as to break out from normal human behavior and blatantly reveal themselves as evil, unclean spirits infecting a person, thus inviting someone who has the ability to evict them from their home? That does not seem reasonable.

On the other hand, I find the stories of deliverance kind of incredulous that church members can tolerate a demonized person acting out in such an obscene manner inside church and in the front pews without anyone being appalled and leave the church.

Fourth, all sickness may be a manifestation of evil spirits but not all healings manifest the expulsion of evil spirits. Expelling demons from a mental infection may manifest in agony but expelling demons from physical infection may not manifest at all. For example in Luke 13:10-13 when Christ healed a crippled women on the Sabbath.

Fifth, contrary to popular belief, there is NO power in the name "Jesus," because,

"Name" means "Reputation" (Eccl. 7:1);

So, therefore,

There is power in the "reputation" of Jesus as the "Christ", but

There is NO power in the "NAME": Jesus, because his real name is Emmanuel.

The name Jesus comes from the Greek words Huios (son) and Zeus/Deos (god). Huios+Zeus=HuZeus: Son of god.

So, it is rather according to Joel 2:32 - "...everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah shall be [delivered]..." Not Jesus. This is something I have known most of my life as a JW and never had nightmares.

Therefore, Christian ministers supposedly can have limited success to expel demons by the authority and Blood of CHRIST and quoting scriptures.

Normally we would try to achieve peace of mind by constantly reading the Bible or ministering to the needs of others, according to Isaiah 26:3. That however is an active process that can lead physical exhaustion. More likely a process of passively listening to spiritual music, recorded spiritual discussion, posters, banners, decorations of scriptural texts is more contemplative and time consuming, edifying us spiritual mentality on a fulltime basis.

"God uses music to drive away evil spirits (see 1 Sam. 16:23), bring about divine healing, and spur an individual toward salvation.....In heavenly army churches, musical worship is a form of spiritual weaponry." Butler 2002 "Nou Kwe nan Sentespri" (We Believe in the Holy Spirit): Music, Ecstasy, and Identity in Haitian Pentecostal Worship]

"You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies." (John 8:44)

The Original Sin was the Lie, "you will not die." As the scripture John 8:44 says it originated with Satan. He committed premeditated murder by the lie told to Eve. The original sin for Adam and Eve was not the lie, but in believing the lie. Therefore, they became doers of Satan's will. That is the true nature of their so-called rebellion.

"The wages of sin is death." (Romans 6:23) However, if this was only a spiritual death, how can anyone murder someone's spirit? Satan is a murderer or man slayer because he brought physical death to mankind not spiritual death.

SIN leads to physical death:

James 1:15 ...sin gives birth to death.

Romans 6:23 the wages of sin is death 

Hebrews 9:22 ...sins are forgiven only if blood is poured out (Ezekiel 3:18).

Christ sacrificed his physical, biological, immortal human life, in place of Adam so that we, all his children, can live as physical, biological, immortal humans. Not to become angels.

Ezekiel 18:20 the soul who sins shall die. [God says it is the soul that dies. It does not continue to live in heaven or hell as according to Greek mythology.]

Romans 5:12 sin brought death...death spread to the whole human race [Not including animals. They naturally die by design, because humans were made in God's image to be immortal like the angels, but biologically].

But if we continue to believe in the Lie and behave according to the Lie - that it is natural to die physically, but the soul continues to live in heaven or hell - then we curse ourselves to die physically by the Lie, not by the Original of which we are redeemed by the Messiah’s Ransom Sacrifice or by Generational Sin according to Ezekiel 18.

The traditional concept of an immaterial and immortal soul distinct from the body was not found in Judaism before the Babylonian exile, but developed as a result of interaction with Persian and Hellenistic philosophies. Accordingly, the Hebrew word nephesh, although translated as "soul" in some older English-language Bibles, actually has a meaning closer to "living being".[51] Nephesh was rendered in the Septuagint as ψυχή (psūchê), the Greek word for ‘soul’.

The only Hebrew word traditionally translated "soul" (nephesh) in English language Bibles refers to a living, breathing conscious body, rather than to an immortal soul.[b] In the New Testament, the Greek word traditionally translated "soul" (ψυχή) has substantially the same meaning as the Hebrew, without reference to an immortal soul.[c] "Soul"  may refer either to the whole person, the self, as in "three thousand souls" were converted in Acts 2:41 ( (see Acts3:23 (

The Hebrew Bible speaks about Sheol (שאול), originally a synonym of the grave – the repository of the dead or the cessation of existence, until the resurrection of the dead. This doctrine of resurrection is mentioned explicitly only in Daniel 12:1–4 ( although it may be implied in several other texts. New theories arose concerning Sheol during the intertestamental period.

b. "Even as we are conscious of the broad and very common biblical usage of the term "soul", we must be clear that scripture does not present even a rudimentarily developed theology of the soul. The creation narrative is clear that all life originates with God. Yet the Hebrew scripture offers no specific understanding of the origin of individual souls, of when and how they become attached to specific bodies, or of their potential existence, apart from the body, after death. The reason for this is that, as we noted at the beginning, the Hebrew Bible does not present a theory of the soul developed much beyond the simple concept of a force associated with respiration, hence, a life-force."[52]

c. In the New Testament, "soul" (orig. ψυχή) retains its basic Hebrew sense of meaning. "Soul" refers to one's life: Herod sought Jesus' soul (Matt. 2:20 (; one might save a soul or take it (Mark 3:4 (; death occurs when God “requires your soul” (Luke 12:20 (

51. "Notes". New English Translation. Biblical Studies Press. 2006. Note 23, for Gen 2:7 (https://

52. Avery-Peck, Alan J. (2000). "Soul". In Neusner; et al. (eds.). The Encyclopedia of Judaism. p. 1343.

As a consequence of original sin when Eve believed the Lie of the serpent, women are more inclined to believe a lie and behave accordingly. This behavior is manifested by vanity usually in the form of cosmetic alteration and fashion in clothing and hair. These things do not conform or testify to the truth of who they really are. They choose to hide their natural God-given beauty rather than maintain the health of their physical appearance. Many people have decided for themselves that aspects of their physique is bad, just as the Devil promised is their right. Therefore, if it sounds good, looks good and feels good then it must be good. That is superficial, pure vanity, not the inner beauty of Proverbs 31:30, 1Peter 3:3-6 and 1Timothy 2:9, 10.

No matter how spiritual a woman may seem, if she is mentally a slave to vanity, she cannot be trusted as mentally infected by an unclean spirit.

Eternal life, physically, is available to us now since the Ransom, if we live by the truth.

John 17:3 “This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ.”

John 6:50,51 says "...But the bread that comes down from heaven is of such a kind that whoever eats it will not die...if you eat this bread, you will live forever..." And

John 11:26 says *and those who live and believe in me will never die. Do you believe this?" (GNB)


This also clarifies and qualifies the statements made by the Messiah:

Matthew 16:28 “Truly I say to you that there are some of those standing here who will not taste death at all until first they see the Son of man coming in his Kingdom.”

Matthew 24:34 “Truly I say to you that this generation will by no means pass away until all these things happen.”

John 21: 22,23 “Jesus said to him: ‘If it is my will for him to remain until I come, of what concern is that to you? You continue following me.’ So the saying went out among the brothers that this disciple would not die.”

The implication of the is that some of the Apostles may still be able, walking this earth in the wilderness, as the *woman* in Rev.12.

This is profoundly significant. This means we have immortals among us who are eye witnesses of the Messiah. They may even have the original manuscripts of the NT letters, otherwise they can verify the truth of what we have in the NT.

I would add, there is no actual proof that those Disciples and Apostles had died. It very likely they had died there would be some kind of monument marking where they died, since they are the very pillars and foundation of the Christian Faith. 

“For the creation is waiting with eager expectation for the revealing of the sons of God.” – Romans 8:19. 


Physical immortality is a state of life that allows a person to avoid death and maintain conscious thought.

Biological immortality is an absence of aging. Specifically, it is the absence of a sustained increase in rate of mortality as a function of chronological age. A cell or organism that does not experience aging, or ceases to age at some point, is biologically immortal.[11]

11. "What is Aging?" ( Retrieved 6 November 2020.

There are three main causes of death: aging, disease, and injury [6]

6. Hayflick, L. (2007). "Biological aging is no longer an unsolved problem". Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1100 (1): 1–13. Bibcode: 2007NYASA1100....1H ( doi:10.1196/annals.1395.001 ( PMID 17460161 ( S2CID 14685889 (



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