The truth is, most people are pedophiles. How so?
The true definition of pedophile is:
Pedo - Greek paid-paido-from paid-pais child, boy

Phile - French -phile, from Greek -philos -philous. lover : one having an affinity for or a strong attraction to, as in ‘bibliophile’ a lover of special books, not a sexual attraction. (Merriam-Webster)

From pedo- +‎ -phile, after Ancient Greek παιδόφιλος (paidophilos) (from παῖς (pais, “boy, child”) and φιλέω (phileō, “I love”)).  (AZ English Dictionary Offline)

In both Citations the idea of pedophile does not specify sexuality, however the word originates from ancient Greek of men who love boys specifically. Therefore the word ‘pedo’ is actually inappropriate to include female children. The actual current term is Lolitaphile, originating from the novel Lolita by Nabokov. With the word ‘phile,’ only love is implied, but sex is obviously the true intent.

The basic idea of the word ‘pedo-phile’ is someone who loves children. There is no sexual connotation in the word, unlike ‘pedo-sexual,’ as in ‘homo-sexual’ is more specific.

So, how many people you know love children? Normally most people do, of course there are some people who hate children.

Although, the point is why would someone be a pedo-sexual? That most likely has to do with why most people are pedophiles, because of the simple aesthetic beauty of a child. The beauty of youth is unassailable, despite their seemingly neurotic behavior.  Popular art and media are overwhelmingly themed at the image of youth. Take for example adult pornography, the most popular theme is the schoolgirl uniform and high school cheerleader, not college but high school.

But, what is more insidious are the Renaissance nudes and Classical art of goddesses and fairies. Women are overwhelming presented as prepubescent, adult, perfect beauties, of any race of course.

Well, the fact is these prepubescent, adult, perfect beauties do not exist in reality. Maybe if Adam and Eve never sinned women would be ideally perfect as such, or maybe in a Paradise restored on a ‘new earth.’ But, for now the obscenity of raw sex as in popular art is paramount, not the aesthetic beauty of youth. However, child pornography is a fetish dedicated primarily to a pedo-sexual fantasy, but not in the aesthetic beauty of youth as in Renaissance art.

Although photography is a ‘different ball-game’ altogether. I can’t explain it. However, a snap-shot of reality, whether still photos or video seems too focused on a subject, to the point of over indulgence. I think maybe that is why many fundamentalist religions forbid all photography as idolatry.

On another level, there is no aesthetic beauty in pubic and body hair. There is no virtuous beauty in menstrual bleeding, yeast infection, venereal diseases, and of course the disgrace of our need to urinate and excreting fecal matter like animals. This common disgrace that we share with animals is the very reason absolutely no human should ever claim to be a divine being or superior. Thus, the Messiah, the Christ was simply human. Likewise, is the common misunderstanding of Genesis chapter 6, is that the angels as divine beings, superior to humans fancied the idea of having sex with earthly women. That is totally absurd. These angels desired the idea of being worshiped and served as gods by these earthly women instead of being slaves themselves to God the Heavenly Father. Just imagine, if men could turn off their sexual hormones, would men ever want to marry a woman?

The mentality of a pedosexual is to desire sex with children, (not including teenagers, as in Drusilla, daughter of Herod Agrippa I, who was married to the Syrian king Azizus of Emesa, at the age of 14), is a totally unrealistic fantasy as in Japanese Hentai, because it is physically incompatible, adverse and detrimental to a child. So, the main problem is the desire of sex with teenage girls, which is against the norm of most modern societies, mainly for the sake that they are considered sexually mature prematurely, (credit for that goes to Adam and Eve).

But the secret about pedosexuality is that there in nothing in the Holy Bible that forbids sexual activity with underaged girls except for actual sex outside of marriage which is fornication.

First of all, the Tenth Commandment. Children is not specified for which we should not covet or desire. Children is not to classified as “anyTHING that belong to your neighbor.” It’s WHO, as in the wife, slave man or slave girl (usually not a woman). Christians definitely do not want to acknowledge that obvious discrepancy.

Second, the Holy Bible never mentions anywhere an age limit to marriage. It’s like God left that to humans to decide.

Third, there are at least two scriptures that seem to condone older men having an intimate relationship with underage girl like 1Kings 1:1-4 and Song of Solomon, to cite a few. Again, Christians definitely do not want to acknowledge the obvious connotation.

Despite that acknowledgement, pedosexuals are notoriously FORNICATORS.

My rules about sex in this regard is:

1) Sexual intercourse, copulation is specifically designed for making babies. An obvious fact.

2) Children are physically not capable of bearing babies

3) Physical intimacy, the desire for love and affection, is an innate desire of every human being regardless of age or health condition. People need physical contact, especially from the opposite sex.

4) In the same manner as the physical affection people express to their pet animals, it is not their intent to have sex with their pet animals, neither do pets expect people would have sex with them. Comparatively people see their close blood relatives and children in the same manner as another species.

5) Sex has absolutely nothing in connection with love. It is absolutely crucial that people disassociate the act of sex from love. Sex is appropriated only to married couples precisely because it is designed simply for having children.

6) Sex is entirely dependent on our imagination.

My theory and perspective of being human:

1) There is absolutely no difference between a man and a woman or boy and girl, in the way we think, feel and desire.

There is only one obvious difference between a man and a woman, our physical design.

That one difference only determines how we move physically.

2) likewise, there is no difference between children and adults in the way they think, feel and their intellectual capacity except for the obvious difference of wisdom, experience.

3) Man and Woman were created to be “one flesh,” equal partners in marriage. Any differences in partners are always naturally balanced out by compensation.

4) All the current social relations between the sexes are artificial traditions and customs determined by the sin of an uncontrolled desire for sex.

5) Humans were originally created to be immortal physical beings with an ability to coexist in a spiritual world or dimension. In contrast, animals and every other type of creature are meant to be mortal beings and absolutely incapable of harming an immortal being.

However, Philippine society seem to prefer the Greek tradition of pederasty: a man who desires or engages in physical intimacy or sexual activity with a boy.

There is an entire culture of boys nurtured into being, what they call a bayot, a gay boy. These gay boys are openly flirtations and disturbingly flamboyant with foreign men. They being children, it is sometimes hard to distinguish them as male or female.

Even with many Filipino men there is cultural sentiment to take comfort and pleasure hugging and kissing little boys and bayots. But most disturbing is their blatant fascination in playing with a little boy’s penis. Many fathers and mothers it seem are proud of their little boys penis also. They are always playing, caressing and kissing it. Always approving of their little boys to walk around everywhere naked, and of course to urinate anywhere he wants to. At the same time, they will traumatize their little girls into wearing panties and to keep their legs closed. But most of these parents don’t have the common sense to have their little girls wear pants, not tights, but pants. The girls will play, like children always do, so why put a skirt on them?

This is a due to being a Roman Catholic country, they create a fear of men in the girls and impose, project their adult desires onto children, for example the customary children’s beauty pageant. So, most girls grow up being affectionate with other girls and women. That is why the majority of women seem to be lesbian with a tomboy as a boyfriend. That leaves the boys with little choice but to play with other boys. A long time ago I once saw a little boy sucking the penis of another little boy in the middle of the highway in Cebu City.

I believe they accept this kind of behavior because little boys cannot get pregnant...but, then again, neither can little girls.




Certain people subjectively speculate of Jesus being homosexual, because a few scriptures suggest it. (

Certain people subjectively speculate Jesus had married Mary. I don't know how they figured that out.) (

But, nobody wants to speculate that Jesus was a pedophile, even though subjectively a few scriptures could likewise suggest it, as a homeless, single man, never married, and he had no children of his own, but he loved children and touched them. (

Comparatively some people think Catholic priests should be allowed to marry as a solution to their pedophile problem. (

They brought young children to Him, that He might touch them.... And He took them up in His arms, put His hands on them, and blessed them. (Mark 10:13,16 MEV)

Then little children were brought to Him that He might put His hands on them and pray. (Matthew 19:13 MEV)

They also brought infants to Him that He might touch them. (Luke 18:15 MEV)

We all know that Jesus touched people to heal them, but he was not healing these children. We know he touched them to bless them. So, what was the purpose to bless them? Does it improve their health? Does it make them smarter? Do they get favors from God? It does not even say where he touched them, in fact it says he held them in his arms and touched them. But he did not need to hold any sick people in order to heal them or pray for them. I’m sure he blessed them with what every child basically needs, to let them know that they are loved and cherished. like no one wants to bless a spoiled brat.

So, was he a pedophile because he loved children? Well actually yes, because he was not a pedo-sexual. Pedo-phile literally means to LOVE children.

To use proper English, nobody calls a gay man a homo-phile.

You people keep projecting your paranoid sexual prejudices and idiosyncrasies onto children who are mentally asexual, and physically non-functional sexually. As well as perverting the meaning of LOVE.

You think a child is masturbating simply because he or she is exploring their own body or tickling themselves like any other part of their body that tickles, and you immediately make them feel ashamed of it.

We adults need keep in check our stupid sexual fantasies, and not make children subject to them. It as Jesus said;

“The truth is, you must change your thinking and become like little children. If you don’t do this, you will never enter God’s kingdom. The greatest person in God’s kingdom is the one who makes himself humble like this child. (Matthew 18:2-4 ERV)

Have you noticed how bad children behave? They are only imitating adults. Aside from boys, the guilt and shame imposed onto little girls is astounding. They behave with an irrational fear and paranoia of being seen by men of their non existing mammary glands, breasts flat as a boy, or with their legs open showing their panties. When the easiest solution to all that is to put the proper clothes on them. Like, let the girls were pants. Stop subjecting them to the false adult identities of how a girl should behave and look like. And I am not talking about tights, pantyhose and short-shorts, which are a woman solution to titillating themselves, as a hands-free method of masturbating.

Verb: titillate

1. touch (a body part) lightly so as to excite the surface nerves and cause uneasiness, laughter, or spasmodic movements

Synonyms: tickle, vellicate

2. excite pleasurably or erotically

Also, I take issue with masturbation: IT IS NON OF YOUR BUSINESS. what someone does with their own body in private is not of your concern. There is nothing in the Bible that say God forbids masturbation. Fornication is a sin, but that involves two people or with an animal at worst. Masturbation is simply inducing a normal bodily function like urinating and defecation. In those two cases it is a sign of good health when it feels good to relive ourselves. And of course pedosexuality is fornication inclusive as rape.

The guilt trip that many people like ministers impose on people against masturbating is based on the notion that masturbation results from fantasizing and fostering an unusual sexual appetite, therefore we have to maintain clean, pure thoughts all the time. What nonsense! Like I said it is a normal bodily function that the body releases semen, occasionally as it it's called an automatic (running) discharge. Also known as having a wet dream as a euphemism. It is nature. Our body builds up too many hormones and eventually it wants out. So our unconscious mind gives us sexually stimulating dreams that leads to ejaculation of semen. Well, then, did we sin because we had a sexually stimulating dream? Once the expelling of semen goes out there is the feeling of relief, a deadening of desires, just like when men finish having intercourse. Therefore, if we keep those hormones pent up in us for an extended time with no relief, then most certainly our mental disposition and decision making capacity will be strongly influenced by those hormones. Yes, As the saying goes: 'thinking with your head between your legs' (there are more ways of saying that). Personally, I do not want my hormones to be effecting, influencing my decisions, I have to relieve myself of them.

However there are some people who behave indecently against Bible principles by doing acts of masturbation publicly or with any other person, like what children seem to do unwittingly or as adults do childishly. Well, obviously they were not trained to do that privately.

Although, there seems to be a tendency to stimulate ourselves both physically and mentally. Wearing tight fitting clothes that the body titillate is not enough for many people, they also feel excited to be seen, as if naked or half naked. That mental disposition is a result of the "sexual revolution" from the Woman's Rights movement in the United States. In my opinion this seems to have lead to a daily obsessive compulsion in women to look and act sexually attractive, even at the expense to forsake being beautiful both physically and spiritually.

For that reason, the idea of having pure, clean thoughts all the time as necessary for being a good Christian is a fallacy. That is why personally I think Matthew 5:28 is invalid now, as fallacy.

But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. (Matthew 5:28 NKJV)

Besides, if a man is not married and looks at an unmarried woman that way, then how is it adultery? Fornication maybe, but not adultery. Then again, what if I imagine I am married to her, is that fornication in the heart?


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