For now on, I will only say Allah (Alaha or Elaha) instead of God,
because the word “God” is a misnomer,
a connotation of stereotypical patriarchal male chauvinism.
The word “God” is inherently masculine, necessitating the need for a goddess.
Since “God” is not know for having a wife, then the Son (“Jesus”) becomes the feminine
So why does God not have a wife? If He had a wife, She would be a Goddess equal to God.
Most societies would not accept a woman as equal to a man.
Allah = Has no gender (not male or female).
“He” is used only out of respect and dignity - not for gender.
[Actually it’s because there is no gender neutral pronoun in the English language]
Allah = Always singular - Never plural.
Allah = Means “The Only One to be Worshipped.”
In Islam, Allah is the unique, omnipotent and only deity and creator of the universe and is
equivalent to God in other Abrahamic religions.
The Aramaic word for “God” in the language of Assyrian Christians is Elāhā or Alaha.
Arabic-speakers of all Abrahamic faiths, including Christians and Jews, use the word “Allah”
to mean “God.” The Christian Arabs of today have no other word for “God” than “Allah.”
“Allah”  comes from the Arabic word “elah,” ‘a god’ or something worshipped. This word (elah) can
be made plural (gods)...,  and it can be made male or female just as the word in English
can be “goddess.”
“Allah” comes from “elaha” but it brings more clarification and understanding.

The five paragraphs above are quoted from Wikipedia. But, if “Allah’ -‘brings more clarification and understanding” it is because I believe that “Allah” means ‘God-Yehowah’ (or ‘God-Jehovah’,

El is the actual meaning of god in Aramaic from Babylonian and Canaanite records.
The suffix to “al-aha” is similar to the “aH” by definition of meaning: “Is” - as unique, only, singular
The abbreviation “aH” (in Al-ah) is therefore the abbreviation of the divine name YaHoWaH, of the tetragrammaton.
The tradition of the Jews by reason of the third commandment is not to use the divine name at all,
Except as an a abbreviation in a compound word or name.
It is not that anyone had consciously abbreviated the Divine self chosen Name, but that the Name
did have a prototype form.  In the article written by Gordon Holmes Fraser
“He also suggests that Ia’u and Ya’u are the predecessors of the final form of the Hebrew JHVH.”
Alle-lu-ia is similar to Allah as a praise is to emphasize the uniqueness of Allah.
“Al- hamdu lillah” (Praise be to God).
“Ilu” is a variation of “El” as ‘god’ in Aramaic, so the combination of “El” with “ilu” as in “Al” + “ilu”
+ “aH” probably means ‘Jah the God of gods’ as a form of praise.

In the Aramaic languages including Hebrew the vowels are fluid, not fixed as in English.

From another source: “Illati and Elillah, means ‘a being who has brought himself into existence...’God’ would probably be taken to mean ‘self existent’” (page 3 of Gordon Holmes Fraser, 1975 “Tengri, Khuday, Deos and God; The word “God” in different languages”)

Now, “Illati” seems strangely familiar to the word “Ill-umin-ati” or “Illu-min-ati.”
And of course “Eli-lah” seems very familiar to “Eli-jah,” a famous prophet in Israel. Likewise the variation of ‘lah,’ ‘jah,’ ‘iah,’ or ‘ia’ and ‘ah’ share the same meaning as self-being,
[which I interpret as ‘self-actualize’]

Otherwise, it is possible that “Alaha” or “Elaha” as used by the Assyrian Christians is actually a
short form of Allah-Jah or Allah-Yah. Just as Hallelujah is shortened to Alleluia.
Which would in a simple way give this a conservative continuity from the
pre-Christian era word form “elaha.”

As a disclaimer, I am not advocating converting to Islam,
because even Islam has retained all the fallacies of the Roman Catholic doctrines.
Also, I am only a novice at the study of the Aramaic languages, don’t critique me as an expert.


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