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By the model of evolution, why did humans become meat eaters since all apes are herbivores, even though they have distinct prominent canines. If, after or during the evolutionary millions of years for the ape species, if any of them became meat eaters, it is very likely that they ate the meat raw as is the case of all carnivorous animals. So then even if by whatever chance early humans discovered how to make fire, what would compel them to cook their food, if they were accustomed to eat their food raw like the other animals? Even if by some accident they burnt the meat, most meats without seasoning like salt, still tastes just as bad as raw meat, unless they knew specifically to cook the fatty meat of certain particular animals that has plenty of fat. Also, why would they hunt to kill any animal when they have no natural ability to do so in the same manner as carnivorous animals do with their teeth and claws ? Obviously they would have to utilize and develop tools to hunt and k...
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HEALING BY MEANS OF COMMUNION: There is divine healing of our physical body from the Atonement by the Messiah’s ransom sacrifice. Christians who are Baptized with the Holy Spirit receive healing directly from God through Communion of the Lord’s Supper. They have no need of any minister of God to lay hands on them with the prayer of faith to be healed. Also, they can conduct the Communion alone for themselves as often as necessary, as long they use the proper emblems of genuine unleavened bread and real grape wine or pure grape juice: 1Corinthians 11:27 – “Consequently whoever eats the loaf or drinks the cup of the Lord unworthily will be guilty respecting the body and the blood of the Lord” (eat and drink NOT to dishonor body and blood of Christ). Luke 22:14-20 (The Lord's supper is a fulfillment of the Passover). Proverbs 31:6 – “Give intoxicating liquor, you people, to the one about to perish and wine to those who are bitter of soul.” Jeremiah 16:7 – “And they will not ...
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HOW TO GET OUT OF BABYLON THE GREAT God promised "the meek will inherit the earth." It may seem impossible now, and historically that never was possible. However, in this Globalized world and the "Information Age " we live-in now, democracy has a greater role to play than in just politics. People can democratically control the money they make, and not let corporations, landlords and politicians keep using money to control our lives. I can see what the “new earth” Kingdom God has promised, but to get there He wants us to actively be part of the transformation. We have to democratic take control of our lives with our money, our work and homes. He wants us to Get Out of Babylon. To me that means decentralized, democratic banking, employee-owned businesses and cooperative housing all integrated, working together to separate ourselves from this unjust world of greed. Babylon controls the economy of the whole world. It is not possible to physically leave Babylon and ...
Genesis chapter 1 modernized
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In the beginning, God created our universe. The earth was a barren abyss shrouded in darkness. The Spirit of God shielded over the face of the waters. God said, "Let there be light," there was light. God saw that the light was good. God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, the darkness he called Night. There was a resting, there was a renewing, the first epoch. God said, "Let there be an atmosphere in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters." God created the atmosphere and separated the waters that were under the atmosphere from the waters that were above the atmosphere. It was so. God called the atmosphere Heaven. There was a resting, there was a renewing, the second epoch. God said, "Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear." It was so. God called dry land Earth, and the waters that w...
Let God Be Found True
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Let God be found true though every man a liar. - Romans 3:4 “But he has got nothing on,' said a little child. 'Oh, listen to the innocent,' said its father; and one person whispered to the other what the child had said. 'He has nothing on; a child says he has nothing on!' 'But he has nothing on!' at last cried all the people. The Emperor writhed, for he knew it was true, but he thought 'the procession must go on now,' so held himself stiffer than ever, and the chamberlains held up the invisible train.” Excerpt From Stories from Hans Christian Andersen That is how Christians generally behave. I am perplexed by how the majority of Christians accept errors and contradictions without question, despite some obvious violations to a sense of reason. They see the Word of God as the Emperor, and they can’t admit that it is has errors. However, it is not necessary to “throw out the baby with the bath water” as the saying goes. The N...