By the model of evolution, why did humans become meat
eaters since all apes are herbivores, even though they have distinct prominent
canines. If, after or during the evolutionary millions of years for the ape
species, if any of them became meat eaters, it is very likely that they ate the
meat raw as is the case of all carnivorous animals. So then even if by whatever
chance early humans discovered how to make fire, what would compel them to cook
their food, if they were accustomed to eat their food raw like the other
Even if by some accident they burnt the meat, most
meats without seasoning like salt, still tastes just as bad as raw meat, unless
they knew specifically to cook the fatty meat of certain particular animals
that has plenty of fat. Also, why would they hunt to kill any animal when they
have no natural ability to do so in the same manner as carnivorous animals do
with their teeth and claws ? Obviously they would have to utilize and develop
tools to hunt and kill an animal. Very likely they initially would eat animals
that had already died by other causes, as scavengers rather than as hunters. In
that case they would supply the majority of their diet to forage and gather
vegetation primarily.
If a species of apes
developed the ability to domesticate and control the cultivation of specific
vegetation and process them with fire for food clothing and hardware, could
they have applied these same techniques to certain animals simultaneously? If so,
this seems more to conform to the model of Creation where humans were created
to be herbivores.
In addition, why would humans
evolve to be physically weaker than their ape ancestors? Harsher changes in the
environment would only induce stronger, more robust physical development by
so-called natural selection. However, very pristine and gentle environmental
conditions would produce weaker physical changes in any species of animals.
Therefore, it is more suitable to a Creation model of a paradise garden for the
human physiology contrary to that of apes. If cognitive development was a
trade-off from physical development, then the physical environment cannot be
accredited for inducing development. Likewise, there is no other earthly
creature that can inspire cognitive development in so-called primitive humans,
because their cognitive abilities are limited to their physical nature and
environment. Therefore, as in what would inspire primitive humans to create
fire even if they had seen it in the natural environment, especially when tools
are needed to create fire. It is the necessity and use of tools that the
evolutionary model accounts for humans’ cognitive development. It is only
possible that the cognitive ability and necessity to use tools preceded the
physical ability to use tools, as in regards the configuration of our thumb,
forehead etcetera. By the evolutionary model it is assumed the first tools
invented were used to kill other animals. Therefore, cognitive development was
inspired by death and destruction. Otherwise, cognitive development may have
been inspired by cultivation of plants for food and building shelters and by
the domestication of animals for whatever reason, would seem more likely to
belong to a Creation model. Although foraging and gathering would not
necessarily need tools as in a pristine paradise environment, the loss of that
environment by expulsion and climate change would be a very good incentive to
need tools. The big difference is that coming from a weaker and pristine
condition they are not prepared to live like the animals. Whereas from
evolution they are prepared to live like animals because they are. Why would
environmental change induce any cognitive change? The ability to conceptualize
plus inspiration from a higher intelligence are the only factors to necessary
induce cognitive development. Therefore, the Creation model prevails, as humans
were taught by angels and later by fallen angels.
The implication with the creation model is even more
significant. In this model all conditions were ideally suited for humans to be
foragers and gatherers for their food. The climate also was very stable
globally and warm, or temperate. So, under what circumstances were humans
inspired if not compelled to create fire? There would not have been any
lightning storms in the Garden or in Eden in general that would strike a tree,
cause a bush fire, or forest fire, and no lava flows that burn everything in its
path. Or maybe I’m wrong, that only the Garden was protected to be ideal, the
rest of Eden and the world was still a hostile untamed wilderness. So, after
they were expelled from the Garden, they would have plenty of chances to
witness such events. However, there is one problem to that, Adam and Eve
witnessed the awesome nature of fire for the first time when the angels with
spinning blades of fire prevented them reentering the Garden. That was
obviously a divine inspiration to them.
After this event, if by whatever means humans
discovered how to make fire, it most likely had to be a divine sacred event for
them, and devoted to it as a sacred ritual. This idea gives credence to the
origin of offering burnt sacrifices to gods, as practiced by most of the
ancient cultures of the world if not all of them. However, as herbivores, by
what precedence would humans be compelled to kill animals, and burn them,
especially those with fatty meat, as suggested by the book of Genesis chapter 4
verse 4? Humans must have had learnt the process of life and death from the
short mortal lifespans of animals and as they witness in the natural wilderness
of predators eating prey.
However, all animals were
likewise supposed to be herbivores according to the Creation account of Genesis
chapter one. According to chapter nine though, that may exclude creatures not
considered as souls with no red blood like insects and crustaceans. This is credible
from the fact animal predators do eat insects and plant-based foods made by
humans, especially sweet cakes for example. They may have developed a taste for
red-blooded meat after the great flood since there were likely a great lace of
suitable vegetation for these animals to eat.
Although the life of an
animal cannot compensate for the life of a human, whether they understand that
or not is not relevant, except that it is a fair offer to a god rather than
just vegetation, since God made humans to be
lord of all animals,
However, this was a long time
before the Bible says God had allowed humans to eat meat as food in Genesis
9:3, which is just after the Great Flood event. Likewise, this corresponds to
the Chinese legend of Suiren (Fire Maker), Shennong (Divine Husband) and Paoxi
(Animal Domesticator). As their names suggest they taught people to domesticate
plants and animals and to cook their food long before the time of the Chinese
version of the Great Flood event of emperor Yao which corresponds approximately
the same time as the Biblical event. In this regard Paoxi seems to correspond
to Abel and Shennong as Cain. They provide details of the whole event of social
development to the Cain and Abel story in regards to Chinese legends. This
legend suggest that people had learnt not only to eat meat but to cook it
unlike the animals.
The problem with the Chinese
legends in regards to food is that in either case of the evolutionary model or
the creation model, I see no justification to believe that people were sick
from eating vegetables fresh especially as a reason to add meat to their diet.
First of all, we were created to be herbivores. The only necessity for meat would
be a lack of vegetation as in a drought. This is possible living in the hostile
wilderness for outside of Eden. They may have felt justified to kill animals by
observing predatory animals eating prey.
Now with the usual bounteous
over-production by nature, God has given us with wild vegetation, if it is not
consumed all at one time, much of it seems to go to waste as they rot, decay
into the ground. But what is most notable about this process of decay is the
fermentation. With cultivation and experimentation this decaying process of
fermentation will give us vinegar and beer. Grains are too small to have been a
source of food until as they likewise decay and ferment into something aromatic,
unlike most weeds. So, fermentation is likely one of the earliest method of
processing vegetation to obtain a greater variety of food with vinegar and beer
as the earliest inventions of civilization. I am sure nobody got sick of
consuming beer, unless they drink too much of it, possibly being a popular
method of curing and preservation of food. This likewise may have been a
popular form of food sacrifice from vegetation in the manner of Libations which
is a practice that is still performed even in the present time. Would God reject
Libations of beer or wine (if Cain offered it)?
Otherwise, the use of salt
with food would only be popular in areas with natural salt deposits. And the
use of sugar would only occur long after the use of honey and maple sap or
molasses with the use of fire.
Sun drying of food for curing
and preservation would most likely be the most popular method especially in
areas with long dry hot seasons. This climatic condition would likewise lead
humans to grind their dried foods into flour to make bread or meal. This would
initially coincide with the process of sun-baked mud bricks for building homes
even before the use of fire.
So then if animals were
hunted and or domesticated primarily for sacrifice, the extra benefit would be
their hide for clothing, maybe then God really did kill (sacrifice) an animal
to provide Adam and Eve animal skins for clothing. Although, I still believe
God gave us pubic, and body hair as if they were animals skins. If so, it is
not likely the animal was already dead, being naturally mortal, as God took the
hides to cloth them. This is certain because God later prohibits touching a
dead animal from natural causes or accidents as unclean and unholy. For this reason,
some religions consider this as the first sacrifice in behalf of humans for
their sins, thus Adam and Eve were taught to sacrifice animals for their sins.
Thus, the process of using
animal skins for clothing continued but it may have been limited as a sacred
event only for the privileged patriarchs. The carcass of the animal being
processed for a burnt sacrifice would have the skin removed and burn the flesh,
gizzards and bones into ashes as each part obtained more religious
significance. Bones would be used in charms and gizzards in divination,
medicines or potions.
The less privileged would
only benefit from the textile of sheared wool of domesticated or docile wild
animals thus preserving the life of the animal. It would seem then that wearing
leather was as sacred as the use of fire itself.
If hunting animals by early man
were a normal event simply to provide food, it does not seem worthy a theme to
devote to a rock-painting whereas if the hunt itself were part of a sacred
ritual for an animal sacrifice is a worthy theme.
In this case humans could
only have been compelled to eat meat if by impiety the patriarchs as priests
were inspired to imitate the fallen angels as gods on earth to refrain from
fully burning the meat and eat it with the fatty parts.
This is suggested by
legendary information of the gods, demigods, heroes and giants of the fallen
angels, eating the flocks and herds of farmers and of cannibalism from human
sacrifices. It seems like a bad choice of words to say that the burning of
animal fatty meat was a pleasant aroma to God. Was this pleasing aroma actually
a human sentiment, compelling humans to likewise to eat the meat instead of
burning it completely to ashes? Unless it was assumed by Moses that since the
burning of fat was a pleasant aroma to man then likewise it was a pleasant aroma to
God. However, as something sacred it is only after the impiety of the fallen
angels as gods on earth did humans follow suit.
Eating meat, the flesh of
animals, is detrimental to our longevity. It shortens our lifespan. The Biblical patriarchs from
Adam to Noah and the entire human race at that time had a much greater lifespan
of nearly a thousand years. Most people assume that changed, reduced to an
extremely shorter lifespan because of the climate change after the great flood
of Noah's day. However, that did not affect Noah and his sons as they also
lived a very long lifespan.
Also, it was not a command by
God to limit our lifespan to 120 years, as it says in Genesis 6:3. God was
indicating the amount of time remaining before the world is destroyed by flood.
Besides, 120 is still longer than the lifespan most people live now.
The change to our lifespan
happened as stated in Genesis 9:3-6. God allowed man to eat all animal flesh as
food. He did not even make a restriction of eating pork or any other unclean
In that allowance a balance
is decreed in verse five, to paraphrase, that our lifeblood or lifespan will be
reduced for the lifespan of the lifeblood of the animal we eat.
In other words, we eat
ourselves into a shorter lifespan and we are judged for a human's lifeblood.
In regards to the law at that
time, before the era of Christ Ransom sacrifice, it was “a life for a life.”
So, if we were to kill another human then we forfeit our own life. However,
with animals if we kill and eat an animal only part of our own lifespan is
reduced. Therefore, God can say our sins are forgiven partially as we die
partially by a reduction of our lifespan. In a technical point of view, when we
eat animal flesh our body has to decompose the animal flesh and then rebuild it
into human flesh. Otherwise, when we eat vegetation, our body decomposes plant
tissue easily to build human flesh. There is a lot more energy lost in us in
the process of decomposing flesh to build flesh than to decompose plant tissue
to build flesh. We save a lot more energy from eating plants to be used in more
vital areas of our body. Also, animals are created to be mortal, to die, but
plants normally do not die, nor do their seeds unless something in the
environment kills them. Plants are not immortal but they strive towards
immortality. They are programmed, created to always grow and spread. It is
better to eat food that lives than to eat food that dies.
Otherwise again, it is
obvious to suspect that before the Flood there where a lot more vegetation that
could satisfy our nutritional needs and our appetites in a similar manner as
animal meat. So, after the Flood, God would let us meat to meet that
satisfaction. Then again, in my opinion, since God knows we are going to die
anyway, it does not matter to him if we live 700 as years herbivores or 100
years as omnivores, we are going to die anyway. So, go ahead, enjoy eating
However, that being said, in
the current era of Christ Ransom Sacrifice, people normally curse themselves to
a short lifespan because they believe that it is natural to die. But Christ by
his sacrifice gives us the opportunity to live forever physically as humans.
John 17:3 “This means
everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom
you sent, Jesus Christ.”
John 6: 50,51 “This is the bread that comes down from heaven, so
that anyone may eat of it and not die. I am the living bread that came
down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread he will live forever.”
John 11:26 “and everyone who is living and
exercises faith in me will never die at all. Do you believe this?”
John 21: 22,23 “Jesus said to him: ‘If it is
my will for him to remain until I come, of what concern is that to you? You
continue following me.’ So the saying went out among the brothers that this
disciple would not die.”
Matthew 16:28 “Truly I say to you that there are some of those
standing here who will not taste death at all until first they see the Son of
man coming in his Kingdom.”
Matthew 24:34 “Truly I say to you that this generation will by no
means pass away until all these things happen.”
The implication of the is that
some of the Apostles may still be able, walking this earth in the wilderness,
as the *woman* in Rev.12.
This is profoundly significant.
This means we have immortals among us who are eye witnesses of the Messiah.
I would add, there is no actual
proof that those Disciples and Apostles had died. It very likely they had died
there would be some kind of monument marking where they died, since they are
the very pillars and foundation of the Christian Faith.
Also, as a disclaimer, by
being a strict vegetarian or vegan is not going to increase our lifespan in
itself. That ‘ship has already sailed.’ Personally, as I have previously been
eating meat, and my parents, grandparents and ancestors all have been eating
meat, our lifespan cannot get any shorter. By the time our bodies reach
maturity we start to die already. We cannot undo thousands of years of
biological damage, and currently practically
everything in our environment is killing us. We can only take comfort of feeling
healthier as vegetarians and respecting our bodies as God’s temple (1
Corinthians 16:19).
The eating of meat has
hindered one natural development in my opinion. There is an extensive diversity
of a no-flesh/meat food science that can itself make eating meats unnecessary
and unwanted.
For example, fruits are not
simply something sweet to eat raw or cooked as cakes and candy. Fruits have the
potential of being the very substitute of meats or rather a superior
replacement. Fruits can be cooked with salt and spices in various ways to
greatly increase the variety of flavors of a meal. It is precisely by cooking
it ripe, not just unripe, with salt and spices that it offers a flavor
competitive to that if any meat.
It is a bit too exhaustive to
list all the fruits we have available to us, so I will just use an example from
what I discovered. Durian is an exotic and locally popular tropical fruit, but
it really smells bad. The taste is sweet, but I think the bad smell make it
seem to taste bad as well. People have consumed this fruit for a long time,
maybe 1000 years, and even made candies from it, but it still smells bad. Now
one time I was desperate to have something to fry with my rice. I had
previously decided not to eat meats anymore including fish. It so happened that
Durian was in season and there was plenty available, even over ripe. Certain
members of the household had some durian that was over ripe and offered some to
me. I initially refused but then I changed my mind because I had a notion to
cook the Durian with the rice. I figured cooking the durian might kill the bad
smell. Basically, I knew cooking is way to transform foods to become more
edible. It seemed a bit messy while cooking it but it worked. It still had a
unique smell but more pleasant, aromatic. It also had very addictive taste to
it like eggs and bacon. Then I had the idea to cook the Durian with pancit (a
Philippine noodle), to make soup with the usual spices of salt and pepper. It
also tasted fantastic. It is too bad durian is a seasonal fruit unlike coconut,
because I became addicted to both recipes I created. So now I am thinking what
other fruits can I cook this way. The funny thing about this is that for a
thousand years, more or less, people have been eating Durian fresh and stinky
but never had anyone thought to cook it, to get the bad smell out. I had even
cooked it Calamansi juice and sugar and it did not smell or even taste anything
like Durian, but rather it tasted overwhelmingly like a Calamansi sauce.
Strange enough, many people
already know to cook some fruits with salt, though usually as raw fruits like
Jackfruit (Nunca) and Papaya. I guess it normally must seem undesirable to cook
sweet ripe fruits with salt and spices, but that is practical as well.
Food science has some basic
ways to process food:
– fermentation, mold, fungi
– vinegar, salt, sugar, oil
Drying and
Milling – Sun, radiation
Fire –
cooking: (frying, baking, roasting, smoking, etcetera, etc.)
This means that any one food item of fruits can be processed in any way of these various methods and in combination of methods. So why should fruits should only be eaten as fresh and cooked only in the traditional ways as cakes and candies?
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