Does anyone know the actual formula for this internal and external snowflake? In other words simply everything has an opposite, and opposites attract.
The classical forces or elements of nature
Earth - solids
Water - liquids
Air - gas
Fire - heat
The current eclectic forces of physics are:
The axioms of nature corresponds to physics as
a force that is self-existing in origin:
Energy - a positive and a negative force that
acts upon matter (manifest as attractive and repulsive forces)
Matter - density and inertia (manifest in
unified or equalized polarity)
Space - the singularity opposite of matter
(manifest as neutral, vacuum)
Gravity - the fractal symmetry of energy,
matter and space (manifest as weight).
In other words, Gravity for example, is both
an Attractive force and a Repulsive force relatively like magnetism.
Also, the Nuclear forces (the so-called strong
and weak forces) is a fractal similarity of Gravity.
The Electromagnetic force is a macro
manipulation of the Nuclear forces.
Fractal Geometry is the iteration of a Fibonacci formula to create infinite
self-similar patterns. However, fractals cannot be infinite in real world
physical applications. The Phi Ratio or Golden Mean Ratio (GMR) is infinite at
any point of an infinite sequence but the axioms of nature terminates the Phi
sequence to a finite Fibonacci sequence, which has a beginning and a terminal
The key to physics and chemistry is the
structure of the atom. Currently it is fatally flawed to enable a so-called
Unified Field Theory. The atom must be redefined according to fractal geometry.
The atom should have a fractal symmetry that conforms to the Phi Ratio,
ultimately in the likeness of the infamous Fruit of Life configuration.
Coincidentally, the symbol for atomic energy is similar to the Fruit of Life.
The Laws of Physics is not the Laws of Nature.
The Forces of Nature is not the Forces of
The Law is not the same as the Force.
The Law precedes the and defines Force
The Ruler Designs and Defines Truth, Harmony
and Order.
The whole universe is ruled by the Phi Ratio,
a.k.a., the Golden Mean Ratio.
The Phi Ratio uses the Fibonacci formula,
Fractal Geometry to design our physical universe, but the Phi Ratio is not
limited to only the Fibonacci
formula in its application.
Phi is the infinite source code (a + b = c), which can be defined as synonymic
positive, negative, neutral or infinite, definite and finite.
The Perfect Divine Ruler does not change or
bend the rules.
Fractal Geometry defines order from chaos.
“Let God be true, but every man a
liar;....” Romans 3:4 KJVA
“which is based on the hope for eternal life.
God, who does not lie, promised us this life before the beginning of
time,” Titus 1:2 GNB
Do not put faith in the letter of the law or
in the letter of the scriptures, but rather put faith in the meaning and
principles of the law and scriptures. Then
you will see the law in all creation and it will also reside in your hearts.
Because, the law and scriptures are written by men and are therefore imperfect,
incomplete and fragile, but the creation is perfect, complete and faithful in
reflection of the Creator.
“You search the Scriptures, because you think
you will find eternal life in them. The Scriptures tell about me, but you
refuse to come to me for eternal life.” John 5:39-40 CEV
The purpose of a free energy device is to
output a large indefinite amount of energy from a small finite input of energy.
If E=MC sq is not a violation of the law of
thermodynamics, as relatively inert matter, with a small amount energy applied
to it, is transformed into energy at the speed of light squared, then neither
is a free energy device.
So, Free Energy comes from:
1) a force of nature that acts upon matter and
self-existing in origin:
2) Any source of usable working or potential
power to work a device
3) Free access to such usable power
4) The cost and maintenance of a device to
utilize such power pays for itself
5) Production and distribution of such device
is individualized or socialized
“There are a myriad websites with information
regarding free energy technology. Not all of them are really affordable and non
of them for sale as a finished product. The purpose and idea for free energy
was supposed be something affordable for most poor people to obtain or make for
themselves. I think this is the first criteria that most of them, if not all of
them fail at. It is poor people who need to be delivered and saved from the
oppression of this world economic system and social bias. For rich and upper
middle class people a free energy technology would only be a nice thing to have
to make more money within the current world economic system. Disappointingly,
it is usually always the rich people that are the inventors of new technology
virtue of having the resources to develop prototypes and to patent their work.
I am certain there are plenty of smart but economically poor people who have
great ideas for new innovative products but may never know the reality of
making it manifest least of all to world market.” Source unknown.
There are certain levels to free energy
devices that testify that such devices are real and practical. The absolute
basic is wood fire for stoves and furnaces.
Draft animals like a horse or mule etc., usually for transportation. However,
the absolute basic for manmade devices are the windmill and watermill.
They were later adapted for electric power generation.
Wind turbine - Anyone
can build a wind powered turbine. No special design is necessary. However,
considering the highly irregular rate at which the wind blows, what is
necessary for the home use is an inverter and a bank of batteries. Although,
anyone can make a small one for use on their car or
bicycle to charge a battery and or power the headlights.
Water turbine - A water powered turbine requires a little more of a
specific design. The flow of water from a stream is usually at a more contant
and predictable rate. Usually the water needs to be diverted and channeled
through a turbine in various configurations. Then it is usually necessary use a
set of gears to increase the output speed to the turbine. And likewise you will
need an inverter and a bank od batteries.
Gas Fuel - Gas fuel is not necessarily a free energy source, even if you
were to make the fuel yourself at home, because pretty much nobody can easily
make their own combustion engine at home.
However, a gasifier had been developed
alongside the distilleries of various
spirits, methane digesters and vegetable based diesel oil. Next after that is
hydrogen and oxygen from water hydrolysis. All of which are usually applied to
combustion engines.
Unless, if you use it for lamps, then I guess
that makes it absolutely basic
after wood and draft animals.
Although, the combustion engine evolved from
the steam engine, which is fairly simple to make. But I don’t believe anyone
uses steam engines anymore other than nuclear power plants to run a simple
Battery -
Anyone can likewise make an electrode-acid battery, but it is highly inadequate
as a free energy device. It usually only supports other free energy devices.
However, there is a nuclear battery that draws electricity directly from the
radioactive emissions rather utilizing the heat it generates
and does not create nuclear waste. It is called a Resonant Nuclear
based by Dr. Paul M. Brown. It is possible to make a simpler design, but the
real problem is obtaining radioactive material, the supply of which has
been monopolized by corporations, and strictly regulated by governments.
Solar cell - The
corporations have a monopoly on production and distribution of solar cells and
charge a very high price for them.
These must be home-made to be practical as the most versatile free energy
device. There is a screen printing method and a burnt copper sheet method:
“The 1996 japan Patent is by far the best and the most powerful. You simply
screen print the negative and positive layers and the contact layers on to a
piece of glass plate, it does not matter how thick the glass is. The layers can
be sprayed on with a spray gun and a air compressor, but it is best to Screen
print it. Screen printing each layer will make your solar cells last longer and
they will be more efficient.
Screen printing is very simple and cheap to do for you self right in your own
home. The most expensive part is the deep cycle marine batteries and your
The electrical output from the homemade copper cells...will be well below that
of modern commercial cells, but the materials cost is also very low. Often a
cell can be literally produced for pennies! The loss in efficiency is probably
more than made up in the reduction of their price.
But the Screen printed solar cells are far more power- full than the copper
type solar cells.”
If you can not find the patent plans on the internet, You can conntant me and I
will send email the pbf to you, free of course.
Magnet or Electro-magnetic motor -
“The patent office is crammed with hundreds of
"permanent magnet motors", none of which work, to my knowledge. Testa
dismisses these ideas with a short stroke, "We may even find ways of
applying forces such as magnetism or gravity for driving machinery without
using any other means. Such realizations, while highly improbable, are not
impossible." While leaving the door open, Tesla considers this area of
research worthy of only a brief mention. He then goes on for four pages,
discussing his efforts to tap the ambient temperature as a source of
power.” Tesla's “Self-Acting” Engine by Peter A. Lindemann
Tesla discovered radiant energy or cold
electricity and designed devices to powered by it. It is not a magnet motor but
it is an electromagnetic motor. There is a good design by Peter Lindemann who
interpreted a motor
invention by Edwin Gray, which is based on a Tesla design.
So far it is only the Tesla patents that
really offer true free energy devices, that are capable of being homemade.
Radiant Energy is suppose to be discredited as
energy from nothing which violates the law of thermodynamics. However, there is
no such thing “nothing” as I explained in my NOTE below. There is a great
amount of potential energy even from what my seem like nothing.
I think there are some basic, elementary flaws
in mathematics. Zero can not be a Natural number. We have 10 fingers on our
hands, we count from 1 to 10. Zero is naturally Not included other than as a
place holder in 10. We don’t count from 0 to 9 on our fingers, but in that way
we can count a full set of 10 single digits. Negative decimal numbers are
worst. There is no natural sequence for counting decimal numbers. Naturally it
seems they would count from zero, 9 to1, because (-)9 + (-)1 = (+)1, but were
is the zero from (-)9 to (+)1?. Or, should it be from zero, -1 to -9, as in the
cartesian coordinate? I see nothing natural about zero except that it is a
necessary figure. I made many attempts to reconcile that dilemma for myself.
Our world, anything and all things, is 3
dimension, but actually 4: Positive, Negative, Neutral and Finite. if ƒ is a
finite object = (+ƒ–ƒ [ƒ]) = X
X=0if0={∞0}then X÷0at(1:1)=X÷10=.X{∞0}=X.
The answer to all equations that results in
zero should be replaced by X, because zero is not nothing. There is actually no
such thing as absolutely nothing. A basket that has no more apples in it may
seem to have nothing in it, but air occupies everything and there may certainly
also be dirt and microscopic material still in the basket. Now, a vacuum is not
nothing either. A vacuum creates a molecular gravitational pull manifested as
pressure (psi). This molecular gravity is a force of nature (or an atomic
force) that occupies a vacuum. Then zero is not properly expressed as nothing.
It is something. In numerical terms it is a decimal or a tenth. Therefore, it
is best expressed as the Roman numeral “X.”
The implication now is that if nothing is
actually something, then space in the universe is not empty space or nothing.
If we consider the principle that matter is never destroyed (into nothingness)
but transformed into energy and visa versa, then we must recognize that
everything beyond this known visible universe and even the space between the
stars is not nothing, but is something which must be a quintessential form of
energy. Now, if the infinitely unfathomable distances of universal space is
actually a quintessential form of energy then it must be stable. Therefore, it
must be an harmonious, symmetrical, conservative, steady zero state form of
Non-Decimal systems of numeration are not
practical as counting numbers, because zero is included as a value in place of
the base number, whereas, Decimal uses both the zero as a value and the base.
And, percent decimal are also impractical as counting numbers by excluding the
base number. Considering, the premise is, that zero equals “nothing.”
There are an infinitesimal set of points
between two defined points.
Zero equals the sum total of every number less
than zero.
Properties of zero:
1. Since percent decimals can be counting
numbers, it would make them equal to negative numbers. Since percent decimal
numbers are fractions of whole numbers, then negative numbers, which are equal
to percent decimal as counting numbers, would be fractions of the whole number
zero. This would make zero a value of tenths.
2. In accordance to the law of physics, matter
cannot be created or destroyed, but only transformed from matter to energy and
visa versa. Therefore, numbers representing the real world, when a positive and
a negative are added together is not destroyed into oblivion, as represented by
zero, but is transformed into energy, where the density is proportionally
reduced in a vacuum, to a percent decimal, as in a vacuum.
If an infinitesimal set of points can fit
between two defined points, then there are an infinitesimal set of points
between positive one and negative one. Since there is an 'infinite space' and
'set of points' of 'finite dimensions' outside 'zero', then there is also an
'infinitesimal space' within the point of the 'zero dimension.' Because, 'a
point' can also be occupied by an 'infinitesimal set of points,' as in the
manner of, “how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.”
So all sets of Real numbers must originate
from the absolute zero, in higher orders of zero, which also can be reduced or
inverted back to the absolute zero point.
This establishes an absolute and definite link
between the nature of numbers and of physical objects, by means of absolute
zero and physical space, being equal and the same. Whereby, a point in space,
which can occupy a position anywhere in space, represents the
concentration/condensation of the quintessence (antimatter), which is similar
but opposite to the nature of the void of space, and it is the origin of
I realize now I was looking at the Cartesian
Coordinate scale the wrong way. I don’t how anyone else sees it, so this my way
of seeing it. The negative scale of the coordinate are negative integers in
position only NOT in value. Negative percent decimal numbers can in no way be
represented on the coordinate equally with integers, since all negative percent
decimal numbers are less than positive one. So, all those numbers actually
exist between 1 and zero, and zero equals .9 to X with infinitesimal, set of 10ths,
100ths, thousandths, etcetera, etcetera. All sets X’s only (i.e. XXX) are
aligned with 0 in position. Any of the percent decimal numbers between the
numbers above 1, I assume, are squared or cubed, in volume, up the order of the
whole numbers, Therefore, for me at least, being able to count negative decimal
numbers to an infinitival scale enables me to see an infinitesimal space
between whole numbers less than zero. Which is actually less than one, but zero
is (1.0 after (.9). This means zero is actually a negative decimal number not a
natural number.
This leads me to suspect that no matter how
many times the sub-atomic particles are smashed into smaller particles it will
only lead to infinitesimally smaller particles.
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