“The Scriptures, in stating, ‘In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth‘ (Gen. 1: 1), leave matters indefinite as to time. This use of the term “beginning” is therefore unassailable, regardless of the age scientists may seek to attach to the earthly globe and to the various planets and other heavenly bodies. The actual time of the creation of the material heavens and the earth may have been billions of years ago.” (Insight On The Scriptures. Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of N.Y., INC. International Bible Students Assoc., Bklyn., NY., U.S.A., 1988, vol.1, p. 527).

Therefore, according to the Big Bang Theory, there were 13.7 billion years for the expansion and formation of all the stars and galaxies, planets, etc.
According to The Columbia History of the World, “Our galaxy is about 10 billion and our solar system about 5 billion years old.” “The history of each and every continent goes back to the early beginnings of the planet earth itself, around 4.5 billion years ago.” (pp. 7, 10)
All this happened in one small sentence of the very first verse of the Bible, a distinct event even before the first of Days of Creation. The Days of which focus simply on the conditions to the formation of life on earth.

Before the creation of our known universe
There was an infinite dimension of imperishable energy
That energy was also Life and unbounded Intellect
Forever occupied with countless creations and universes
The Eternal Designer conceived to create our universe.

YHWH created his son Micah-El as the beginning of his way,
The earliest of his achievements of long ago.
From time immemorial  Micah-El was installed,
From the start, from times earlier than the earth.”
Then Micah-El was beside YHWH as a master worker.
The one he was especially fond of day by day;
Micah-El rejoiced before him all the time.
Proverbs 8:22,23,30 NWT

He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation; because by means of him all other things were created in the heavens and upon the earth, the things visible and the things invisible, no matter whether they are thrones or lordships or governments or authorities. All other things have been created through him and for him. Also, he is before all other things and by means of him all other things were made to exist. Col.1:15-17.

The second born was Gabri-el
And they created the the Angels
The order of Seraphs, and
the order of Cherubs, and
their heavenly stations

Then YHVH extracted a dimension devoid of energy within himself
Infused matter into the void as a super dense atom

Then He ignited the creation of our physical universe.

"Even from everlasting to everlasting,
thou art God." Ps.90:2

God is light and there is no darkness at all
in union with him." (1John 1:5b)

"Behold, the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot
contain thee." (1Kings 8:27) KJ

But to whom can you people liken me
that I should be made his equal?"
says the Holy One. "Raise your eyes
high up and see. Who has created
these things? It is the One who is
bringing forth the army of them
even by number, all of whom he calls
even by name. Due to the abundance
of dynamic energy, he also being
vigorous in power, not one [of
them] is missing. Isa.40:25,26, 28

"Where did you happen to be when I founded the earth...
When the morning stars joyfully cried out together,
And all the sons of God began shouting in applause?"
Job 38:4-7.

In the beginning, before the creation of this known universe, a change and transformation of this quintessential energy was required to create out known universe. But, change requires manipulation as in “cause and effect” reaction. Manipulation implies the fundamental character of intelligent life. This Life that the creation of our known universe is by nature also infinite, quintessential energy and harmonious in character. This Life is probably the cause of an infinite amount of unknown other universes prior to ours. This Life is the idea known as God. Now, if this change is infinitely perpetual and constant and or sporadic, then a variable of infinite changes would result in one of those changes creating our known universe by chance. But, a variable of infinite changes can create chaos, unless discipline is applied and the changes are orchestrated. Then again, manipulation of these changes still implies intelligent life.
Furthermore, this infinite quintessential universe beyond our known universe is not a vacuum. Our known universe is within a vacuum however, of that universe beyond from which transformed energy of the quintessence was infused and created inside the vacuum and evolved into our known universe. Therefore, the vacuum of space in our universe is not nothing but gravity as a basic force of the quintessent energy, also known as “dark matter” in a limited sense. All matter is influenced by gravity because, all matter is created from a concentration of gravity in the form of broken finite eddies or little vortexes of gravimetric energy.
Our physical universe exists within a cosmic super-conductive magnetosphere shielding us from God's domain without, and preventing any visible light or otherwise from emanating through, other than that One's Holy Spirit the Quintessence.
"Given that stars, gas and dust almost surely account for only a small fraction of the total mass of the universe astronomers are desperately seeking the rest of the universe, the invisible missing mass known as dark matter. Their search has brought a fitful mix of contradictory findings." NY Times 8/16/95 p. C5
God's domain is where the ninety percent missing matter (as energy) is located; the so-called dark matter that astronomers and astro-physicist are so earnestly looking for inside our universe. His domain is the source of gravity influencing the formation and stability of galaxies, their shapes, and rotational patterns and ultimately limit their expansion into a universal state of equilibrium.
The birth of the entire universe began as a cluster of energy extruded through the shell surrounding the finite sphere of space.
As such, first God created space by means of a shell or, a magnetic-bubble of a hyper-ethereal-plane, within his domain. In other words:
"Before the creation of the universe, Ein Sof (God as infinity, pervaded all space with no room for anything other than God) withdrew itself into Its [Quint]essence, from Itself to Itself within Itself. Within Its [Quint]essence, it left an empty space in which it could emanate and create.... When Ein Sof withdrew Its presence all around in every direction, It left a vacuum in the middle, surrounded on all sides by the light of the Ein Sof, empty precisely in the middle, surround on all sides by the light of Ein Sof, empty precisely in the middle.’
'This is tsimtsum, literally “contraction,” but here implying the withdrawal by which God made room for something other than God. The primordial vacuum carved out by tsimtsum was a pregnant void, the site of creation: no more than an infinitesimal point in relation to Ein Sof, yet spacious enough to house the cosmos.
But the vacuum was not really empty. It retained a trace, a residue of the light of Ein Sof [the Quintessence], just as the vacuum preceding the big bang was not completely empty, but rather in a state of minimum energy: pregnant with creative potential and virtual particles." (God & The Big Bang by Daniel C. Matt p.80)
God infused a seed into the void, a massive cosmic embryo of concentrated, transformed pure energy. This ball then settles to the center of universal gravity. In time as it expands and cools, nuclear formations mutate into highly complex forms of matter and energy, eventually disintegrating into simpler forms of reactive elements formed in the core and causing the whole mass to be highly unstable. A chain reaction of particles and atomic formations would result in a reactive explosion, commonly called the "Big Bang." Since the concentration of energy forms matter then the existence of space is the vacuum, the separation from the quintessence of energy, but no vacuum is ever truly empty, rather an area of low density.
Flooding the universe with a shower of energy and matter not even reaching the midway expanse of space, wakes and eddies of energy and matter are formed by reaction to universal gravity. These formations eventuated the creation of stars, galaxies and other anomalies such as quasars, etcetera.
The nuclear reactions involved in creating and sustaining these cosmic formations and all other forms of matter or energy must be defined under a universal common law of the conservation of mass and energy. And the common sense law of inertia, that all finite systems have the tendency to conserve energy into latent potential energy. Thus, characterized by the principle of entropy where all highly complex systems tend to gravitate towards simplicity and stability. In other words disintegrate.
Also, since the disintegration of a radioactive element is a constant, it is unaffected by ordinary temperature or pressure changes. However, an applied electromagnetic force can vary the rate of particle emissions. In the manner of natural conditions as sun spots to the molten core of the earth being electro magnetically induced. Under those conditions particles will bombard adjacent radioactive elements to the degree that it will cause it to break apart into a random array of lighter stable elements.
The birth and life of a star occurs from fission nuclear reactions. It must be realized that fusion nuclear reaction is totally impractical in a stars’ core. The first reason being, there is no proof to support the idea that a free form floating gas will under any circumstance coalesce into the shape of a sphere by virtue of the gravitational influence its own mass. Gases just do not behave that way under any condition. It will only respond that way to a mass with greater density. Secondly, it is not absolutely true if a gas is compressed it will generate heat. Although, a gas whose molecules cannot easily be condensed into an arranged definite triangular  or symmetrical uniform pattern, will under pressure create friction, which generates heat. Otherwise in like manner to nitrogen, in the process of compressing such gases becomes a dense cold object. A compressed gas, like carbon dioxide becomes hot ice, because it actually absorbs heat. Therefore, if you compress a gas that will not arrange itself uniformly it will generate heat through friction, but if you compress a gas that will arrange itself uniformly it will become a dense cold object. Thirdly, since it is necessary for a denser mass to influence gases to coalesce, it is more practical for a radioactive substance to provide the heat and gravity to initiate thermonuclear reactions within a sphere of gas. However, since the process of disintegration in nuclear fission would result in a short life span. It is actually, after that initial stage that fusion reactions can be sustained. Otherwise, it is still possible that nuclear fission can be sustained by a cycle of regeneration, by drawing dark matter into its core through the polar regions, by the attraction through its magnetosphere field lines of influence. Thus, a star becomes a self-sustaining living entity feeding on the cosmic remains of dust and gases. The extreme density of neutron stars, quasars, and pulsars also has an extreme dense gravitational force. Therefore, with extremely dense material, fusion reaction would be limited, since by natural law, matter and energy cannot be destroyed only transformed, then the only alternative for such star is the fission of exotic forms of energy and of simpler chemical elements.
As a Theoretical foundation God said in the book of Psalms 104 verse 5: "He has founded the earth upon its established places; it will not be made to totter to time indefinite, or forever." Therefore, the sun could not die one day and destroy the earth in the process.
The original universal mass of energy would have characteristic features as the sunspots, which are erratic multiple magnetic poles. These polar regions would be responsible, during the "Big Bang," for causing ripples, wakes and eddies of plasmic gases. From this turbulence, a finite imbalance of centrifugal and centripetal cosmic cloud masses, the galaxies were formed. The radioactive substances would further disintegrate into products of simpler stable chemical elements making the clouds of plasma become cooler. In turn a differentiation of elements creates an accretion of cloud densities, in which stars are first created from the remaining radioactive material and the abundant disintegrated products of inert gases. With an induced centrifugal spin and the gravitational influence of their magnetosphere, a segregation of these cloud densities would create the planets of our solar system, from the remaining disintegrated products of stable chemical elements.
As these elements began to coalesce into molecules and compounds they eventually were condensed into larger objects by accretion. Since the heaviest elements accumulated in the core of these objects a strong magnetic sphere was created that would trap lighter elements that can be contained in its gravity. Therefore, in respect to the planets whose gravity in proportion to its magnetosphere, is strong enough to contain gases as light as hydrogen and helium, like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, must have an electromagnetic sphere and a magnetic core dense with heavy elements equally as Earth’s, yet much larger in proportion to its size. Those giant planets are distributed in a proper sequence to the sun's magnetosphere. And their distinctive feature of hydrogen compound gases in the atmosphere would be segregated to a region on the outer edge similar to our ionosphere.
Ferromagnetic elements are peculiar only to earth because induction from the earths’ core consisting of predominantly ferromagnetic elements. In turn the earth’ core is induced with magnetism not simply of being a molten dynamo of molten lava, but being primarily induced by the earth’s radiation belt. Just like an electromagnetic solenoid induces magnetism onto a steel rod. The two actually complements each other. The molten lava of earth’s core creates an active field that traps radiation in its’ outer field. And the radiation field polarizes the earth’s core.
The magnetic force of an electromagnet is dependent on the density of the atomic mass being induced. Most elements on earth have an atomic mass less than ferromagnetic elements, so their electromagnetic properties are weak and cancelled out within the magnetic field of a greater density. Likewise, the sun which is predominately Helium and hydrogen will induce external sources of helium or hydrogen as magnetic elements. All atomic mass of denser elements in space are not influenced by the sun’s magnetic field except for the proportion of helium and hydrogen elements contained in the solar cosmic objects. In another example, the active core of any planetary object will induce magnetism in surface elements consisting of the same atomic mass of its’ active core. Objects of greater atomic mass within the magnetic field of a lower density, atomic mass, elements can easily exit the field, but on the surface of a planet for example, an object at rest will remain at rest until a force acts upon it. However, all atomic mass elements on earth are being induced by the radiation fields around earth. Thus, denser atomic mass elements remain within the field. So, it seems that gravity is magnetism in proportion to atomic mass and which corresponds to Newton’s law of gravitation.


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