The Noachian Flood

The following Is my research in solving the ‘water vapour canopy’ problem of the earth as described in the Bible and the reconciliation of the Noachian Flood with the geological history of earth:

1) A 17th century (Christian) geologist Amadeus Grabau had a theory of Interpulsation of the earth. Basically the earth has phases of expansion and contraction of the mantle as the earth cools and then builds up heat again. Meaning the earth at one time had a greater circumference than at present and therefore a shallow atmosphere and ocean. Thus, I believe that was the case before the Flood. His other theories of Polar Shift and Continental Drift are scientifically accepted, but Interpulsation is not because it promotes a cataclysmic view of earth geology.

2) The 'water canopy' was simply the 'clouds,' because in a shallow atmosphere all the clouds would be closer to ground level. The clouds didn't have to be a blanket overcasting the whole earth just the seas do not completely cover the earth since there is land separating it. There would be fewer stratospheres than as present. Thus giving cause to apply Genesis 2:6. Also, this would provide a solution to the problem of a 'water canopy' that would increase atmospheric pressure and excessive heat to maintain a the estimated amount of water necessary, since the atmosphere would be too thin to hold that much heat. Otherwise. an 'Ice-water canopy' is unsound scientifically because it defies normal gravity:

3) An impact of the earth by a meteor would:
  a) break the water canopy, (the stratosphere of clouds).
  b) break the earth's mantle, from 10 magnitude earthquakes, break open fissures along fault lines like the 'Mid-Atlantic Ridge', and increase or accelerate the break up of Pangea into continents.
  c) cause magma to boil the thin ocean causing steam and ash to blanket the atmosphere,
  d) and of course precipitate an extensive period of rain and ash, as the earth starts to cool and contract to the smaller, present circumference.
  e) and likewise change the earth's orbit from a perfect circle to an elliptical orbit.

4) It is my theory therefore that the Noah's Flood was actually the "Jurassic Transgression" (an world wide extensive flood that affected the late Cretaceous or the Jurassic Age). I believe it is possible to reduce and readjust the timescale set by 'uniformitarianism' (a.k.a. evolution) to conform to 'cataclysm' (the Creation model).

"Dinosaur-Killer" Asteroid Crater Imaged for First Time
National Geographic News
March 7, 2003
A high-resolution map from NASA's Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), released yesterday, has provided the most telling visible evidence to date of a 112-mile (180-kilometer) wide, 3,000-foot (900-meter) deep impact crater, the result of a collision with a giant comet or asteroid on one of Earth's all-time worst days.

1) late Cretaceous

2) The meteorite's estimated size is about 10 km (6 mi) in diameter,
- According to abundant geological evidence, an asteroid roughly 10 km (6 miles) across...
- Asteroids hit Earth typically at high speeds of 10 to 20 km/sec (16-32 miles/sec).
- The asteroid or comet that produced the Chicxulub crater was roughly 10 km in diameter. When an object that size hits Earth's surface, it causes a tremendous shock wave while transferring energy and momentum to the ground.

3) releasing an estimated 4.3×1023 joules of energy (equivalent to 191,793 gigatons of TNT) on impact.
- The energy of the impact was comparable to 100 million megatons of TNT, 6 million times more energetic than the 1980 Mount St. Helens volcanic eruption... In addition, the shock of the impact produced magnitude-10 earthquakes, which were greater than the magnitude of any we have ever measured in modern times.

4) The impact caused giant tsunamis in all directions.
- The iridium excess in the soil layer has been confirmed at many points around the world.
- The same soil layer contains grains of quartz that were deformed by high shock pressures, as would occur in a giant explosion. (The deformation is a microscopic structure called "twinning," in the crystals).
- The same soil layer contains enough soot to correspond to burnding down all of the forests of the world. This suggests that massive fires were touched off at the time of impact.
- The same soil layer, especially around the Gulf of Mexico, contains massive deposits of tumbled boulders, as would be generated in a large tsunami, or "tidal wave." The geographic distribution of tsunami deposits suggest the impact was in the Caribbean area.

5) The emission of dust and particles caused environmental changes close to a nuclear winter, in which the surface of the Earth is totally covered by a cloud of dust for several years.
- Debris from the explosion was thrown into the atmosphere, severely altering the climate, and leading to the extinction of roughly 3/4 of species that existed at that time, including the dinosaurs.
- During the impact, the kinetic energy in the asteroid (or energy of motion) is converted to explosive energy, blowing debris of dust, soil, and rocks not only into the atmosphere, but out into space, where it fell back into the top of the atmosphere. Early calculations in the 1980s (using in part ideas worked out by Carl Sagan and his colleagues) showed that so much dust entered the high atmosphere that the Earth was shrouded in a dust layer that blocked sunlight for several weeks or months. This would have killed some plants, disrupting the food chain.

6) Later calculations (especially by Jay Melosh at the University of Arizona) indicated that for the first few hours after the impact, rocky debris would have fallen back into the high atmosphere, creating a storm of glowing fireballs in the sky. The radiant energy from these would have heated the surface to boiling temperatures for some minutes, and would have been enough to kill many animals and plants on the surface. However, in regions of heavy rainstorms or snowstorms, these organisms would have survived the first few hours. Sea creatures would have been buffered from effects in the first hours, but plankton on the surface might have died out over the weeks of darkness, decreasing the food supply for small fish, which affected the bigger fish, and so on.
These examples show how hard it is to predict the exact effects of the impact. Many species who lived on the surface (such as dinosaurs) might have been decimated in hour or weeks. Species who lived in burrows, or hibernated (like some mammals) might have survived. This may explain why mammals replaced giant reptiles after the impact. Tiny primitive mammals may have emerged from their dens, to find that their giant reptile competitors were mostly gone.

1) a shallow atmosphere would disperse the dust and debris farther and quicker
2) in an atmosphere with a vapor canopy, the dust would more quickly turn the water vapor into precipitation, resulting in an extensive global flooding.
3) this quick precipitation would also cause global temperature decrease
4) deflation of the earths mantle, reducing the diameter of the earth's circumference would increase the altitude of the atmosphere. Likewise leading to the formation of ice caps on the polar regions. This increases wind currents and colder regions of the atmosphere.
5) The actual proof of a world wide Flood event has nothing to do with the break-up of the continents or any model shape of Pangea. For the mere state of a shallow ocean of a wider diameter earth, most of the area now covered by the sea between the continents and islands would have been dry land. That is testified by the few cities that are completely submerged under the ocean. It is very likely that more than 50% of human and animal fossil artifacts are lost under water. The Flood waters did not go anywhere, it is still right there as deep oceans. The continents did not have to spread far apart to bury those cities. All the land that is now exposed is only because of what was frozen at the polar ice caps. Most civilizations would never occupied mountainous regions before the Flood. They would have located in the lowest valleys. Any humans have who would have survived would move to higher ground that now exist as coastlines.

In addition, a search on the Internet explains any assumption of 30 days per month x 12 months = 360 days as one year, for which most of the ancient civilizations had initially made that mistake and later corrected by direct observation of the stars. But, they still wonder why most ancient civilizations kept making the same mistake. So, why is a Bible year 360 days? Unless maybe it is just a nice rounded number to use in regards to prophecy. But, it might be possible that most civilization made that same mistake because their previous observations were contemporary to the Bible record of Genesis. The information on the Internet points out the dates calculated from the Flood story of Genesis chapter 7 and 8, assumes 30 days per month. This seems to be a tell-tail sign that all these civilizations once had the Genesis record in common knowledge, confirming the Tower of Babel story, and implying that it predates the Babylonian, Sumerian and Egyptian civilizations; or any of these civilization were not severely affected by the Flood an had their own previous calculations of time. If that is true, I would have to conclude that, there was no mistake, but that the Flood had or was a result a drastic change in the earth's orbit that changed the length of a year by 5.25 days more into a elliptical orbit. That being, an impact by a meteor. However, since I am not an expert in math, physics or astronomy, I may have to yield to the conclusion of the internet article that asserts that it is the smaller circumference of the earth that changed the year from 360 to 356 plus days.


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