The Lost World

On Saturday August 14th, 2009, I have realized what may be the greatest discovery of the world.

I realized the purpose and origin of the Great Pyramids and Sphinx of Giza, Egypt.

First, it was built before the Great Flood of Noah. It predates the Egyptian civilization.

Second, I give credit to the Biblical antediluvian civilization for it’s creation.

Third, the whole Giza Plateau is a shrine that encompasses the true location of the Garden of Eden and the trees of Good and Evil and of the tree of Life that were in the middle of the garden.

The Great Sphinx of Giza is a statue of a reclining lion with a human head that stands on the Giza Plateau on the west bank of the Nile, near modern-day Cairo, in Egypt. It is the largest monolith statue in the world, standing 73.5 m (241 ft) long, 6 m (20 ft) wide, and 20 m (65 ft) high. It is the oldest known monumental sculpture, and is commonly believed to have been built by ancient Egyptians in the third millennium BCE.[1]

The Great Sphinx is one of the world's largest and oldest statues, but some basic facts about it, such as who was the face models from, when it was built, and by whom, are still debated.

It is not known by what name the original creators called their statue, as the Great Sphinx does not appear in any known inscription of the Old Kingdom, and there are no inscriptions anywhere describing its construction or its original purpose. The commonly used name Sphinx was given to it in Classical antiquity, about 2000 years after the accepted date of its construction, by reference to a Greek mythological beast with a lion's body, a woman's head and the wings of an eagle (although like most Egyptian sphinxes, the Great Sphinx has a man's head and no wings). The English word sphinx comes from the Ancient Greek Σφιγξ (sphingx), apparently from the verb σφιγγω (sphingo, English: I strangle), after the Greek sphinx who strangled anyone who failed to answer her riddle.

The Great Pyramid of Giza is the biggest pyramid ever made and also one of the biggest buildings ever.
The pyramid appears to have been built in about 2600 BC as a tomb for a king. The Greek historian Herodotus, writing more than 2,000 years later, said that the king's name was Cheops (pronounced kay-ops). The Egyptian form of this name was Khufu. Unlike most Egyptian tombs, the pyramid has no inscriptions in it to identify the king for whom it was intended. In 1837, an English archaeologist Howard Vyse found a hidden chamber, with the word Khufu scrawled on the wall. This is thought to confirm the identity of the pyramid as Khufu's, although some claim it is a forgery.
The pyramid was originally covered in a layer of polished white limestone. When nearby Cairo was demolished in an earthquake in the 14th Century, this covering was stripped off and used as building material for the reconstruction of the city. Descriptions dating from before this time say that the casing was covered all over with inscriptions. But descriptions of these imply that they were graffiti rather than hieroglyphs. Today the Pyramid is rough on the outside and slightly smaller than it was originally.
Although the pyramid was completed and sealed, it is not clear whether any king was ever buried in it. The insides of the pyramid are completely plain, without the inscriptions and pictures which abound in other Egyptian tombs. There are a number of chambers, the highest containing a large stone box without a lid. This could be a sarcophagus but it does not appear to have been used. There are no other artefacts of any kind in the pyramid.

Of course, it is possible the pyramid was ransacked after the king's remains were placed in it. If so, the thieves either escaped by an unknown route, or carefully replaced all the sliding slabs and boulders as they left. Whoever did it would have been unable to remove the sarcophagus, as it is too big to fit out the door, having been placed in the chamber during construction. This does not explain the lack of inscriptions, however.

Most Egyptologists also believe that the pyramids were meant to serve as tombs for the pharaohs. There are many reasons why they hold this to be true. One is that the pyramid structure represents just one point in the long continuum of the evolution of tomb design. Long before dynastic kings ruled Egypt, tombs were little more than open pit graves. In time, modifications were made. The pit was lined with crude brick and roofed with wood, and the number of chambers increased. The tomb was surmounted by a modest superstructure: a mound of gravel with an outer layer of mud, probably in imitation of the Primal Mound, the epitome of creation and regeneration. By the 2nd Dynasty, brick corbel roofs had been introduced as building technique advanced. Such a roof took the appearance of a dome or vault. At this time, the "mastaba" superstructure (so called because of its bench-like shape) was common. These were rectangular in plan, with flat roofs and walls that slope outward to the ground. By the end of the 2nd Dynasty, royal tombs were subterranean chambers cut deeply into the stone, accessed by stairways, with mastaba structures above them. The 3rd Dynasty saw the true pyramid-shaped superstructure take form, first as a stepped pyramid (successive tiers of mastabas built upon one another and descending in size to the top; see photo above) and then as a true pyramid with smooth sides. The "Pyramid Age" reached its apex at the beginning of the 4th Dynasty with the construction of the pyramids at Dashur and Giza, but by the end of that dynasty, pyramids had become smaller until its last pharaoh, Shepseskaf, reverted to the mastaba shape for his tomb. Though pyramids would again be built in the 5th Dynasty, they would be of inferior quality and materials. Pyramid tombs remained popular through the 13th Dynasty, though none would rival those of the Pyramid Age in size or endurance. By the 18th Dynasty and on, following several pyramid revivals, royal tombs had largely become underground tombs with no superstructure.

Much has been made of the fact that of all the pyramids of Egypt that have ever been explored, never once has the mummy of a pharaoh been found within. Mummy parts have been found in pyramids.
 But never has an extant mummy been found in any pyramid, nor have any parts of a mummy been identified with certainty as those of a king. Critics of the pyramid-as-tomb theory claim that such mummy parts, rather than being detritus left after the robbers hacked away the mummies for jewels and gold, represent parts left from intrusive burials made long after the pyramid was built.
There is a type of tomb called a cenotaph (from the Greek kenotaphion, or literally, "empty tomb"), a symbolic false tomb never intended to be a repository for the king's actual material body. The cenotaph served every function as a real tomb, and also provided an additional location for the perpetuity of the king's funerary cult. Taking all these factors into consideration, one might be tempted to conclude that, if the pyramids were not meant to be the literal tombs of the pharaohs, they were meant to be cenotaphs, and the king's mummy was buried elsewhere.
Catchpenny Mysteries © copyright 2000 by Larry Orcutt.

In my opinion, all the other pyramids of Egypt are inferior copies that were inspired by the original Great Pyramids of Giza. This is what initiated a cultural distinction to the Egyptian and Ethiopian civilization to that of its neighbors in Mesopotamia. None of their pyramids have been constructed in the same manner and technical sophistication as that of the Great Pyramids and Sphinx. There is only an apparent evolution of experimentation to approximate it’s structure.
Even to this day no scientist or engineers knows how to even replicate the degree of technical sophistication of those pyramids in Giza. They could not be replicated even with modern technology, much less be able to do it with ancient technology.
This means that there has to have been a truly great civilization that built these pyramids long before the Egyptians arrived on the scene.
I am certain that the Egyptians are new arrivals to the Nile Delta, primarily because they have no stories whatsoever of a great flood in any of their historical records or mythologies. It is a matter of fact that the most of Egypt, especially the Nile Delta was once under the Erythraean (Mediterranean) Sea. And this had affected the pyramids with a watermark and marine deposits.
So, other legends and archaeology indicates the possibility that the Sphinx and the great pyramids were already there as the Mediterranean sea still covered most of Egypt.

Despite conflicting evidence and viewpoints over the years, the traditional view held by modern Egyptologists at large remains that the Great Sphinx was built in approximately 2500 B.C. by the pharaoh Khafre, the supposed builder of the second pyramid at Giza.[4]

Selim Hassan, writing in 1949 on recent excavations of the Sphinx enclosure, summed up the problem:

    Taking all things into consideration, it seems that we must give the credit of erecting this, the world’s most wonderful statue, to Khafre, but always with this reservation that there is not one single contemporary inscription which connects the Sphinx with Khafre, so sound as it may appear, we must treat the evidence as circumstantial, until such time as a lucky turn of the spade of the excavator will reveal to the world a definite reference to the erection of the Sphinx.[5]

The "circumstantial" evidence mentioned by Hassan includes the Sphinx's location in the context of the funerary complex surrounding the Second Pyramid, which is traditionally connected with Khafra.[6] Apart from the Causeway, the Pyramid and the Sphinx, the complex also includes the Sphinx Temple and the Valley Temple, both of which display the same architectural style, with 200-tonne stone blocks quarried out of the Sphinx Enclosure.

A diorite statue of Khafra which was discovered buried upside down along with other debris in the Valley Temple, is claimed as support for the Khafra theory.

The Dream Stela, erected much later by Pharaoh Thutmose IV (1401–1391 or 1397-1388 BCE), associates the Sphinx with Khafra. When the stela was discovered, its lines of text were already damaged and incomplete, and only referred to Khaf, not Khafra. An extract was translated:

    ...which we bring for him: oxen ... and all the young vegetables; and we shall give praise to Wenofer ... Khaf ... the statue made for Atum-Hor-em-Akhet.[7]

The Egyptologist Thomas Young, finding the Khaf hieroglyphs in a damaged cartouche used to surround a royal name, inserted the glyph ra to complete Khafra's name. However, the stela offers no indication of the relationship between the Sphinx and 'Khafra' – as its builder, restorer, worshipper or otherwise. When the Stela was re-excavated in the 1925, the lines of text referring to Khaf flaked off and were destroyed.

Some Egyptologists and geologists have disagreed with the mainstream theories of construction, and have proposed various alternative theories — about the builder or the dating — to explain the Sphinx's construction.

Many of the early Egyptologists and excavators of the Giza pyramid complex believed the Great Sphinx and other structures in the Sphinx Enclosure predated the traditional date of construction (the reign of Khafra or Khephren, 2520–2492 BCE).

In 1857, Auguste Mariette, founder of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, unearthed the much later Inventory Stela (estimated Dynasty XXVI, c. 678-525 BCE), which tells how Khufu came upon the Sphinx, already buried in sand. Although certain tracts on the Stela are considered good evidence,[8] this passage is widely dismissed as Late Period historical revisionism.[9]

Gaston Maspero, the French Egyptologist and second Director of the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, conducted a survey of the Sphinx in 1886 and concluded:

    The Sphinx stela shows, in line thirteen, the cartouche of Khephren. I believe that to indicate an excavation carried out by that prince, following which, the almost certain proof that the Sphinx was already buried in sand by the time of Khafre and his predecessors [in Dynasty IV, c. 2575-2467 BCE].[10]

In 1904, English Egyptologist E. A. Wallis Budge wrote in The Gods of the Egyptians:

    This marvelous object [the Great Sphinx] was in existence in the days of Khafre, or Khephren, and it is probable that it is a very great deal older than his reign and that it dates from the end of the archaic period [c. 2686 BCE].[11]
Rainer Stadelmann, former director of the German Archaeological Institute in Cairo, examined the distinct iconography of the nemes (headdress) and the now-detached beard of the Sphinx and concluded that the style is more indicative of the Pharaoh Khufu (2589–2566 BCE), builder of the Great Pyramid of Giza and Khafra's father.[12] He supports this by suggesting that Khafra’s Causeway was built to conform to a pre-existing structure, which, he concludes, given its location, could only have been the Sphinx.[9]

Colin Reader, an English geologist who independently conducted a more recent survey of the Enclosure, points out that the various quarries on the site have been excavated around the Causeway. Because these quarries are known to have been used by Khufu, Reader concludes that the Causeway (and thus the temples on either end thereof) must predate Khufu, thereby casting doubt on the conventional Egyptian chronology.[9]

In 2004, Vassil Dobrev of the Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale in Cairo announced that he had uncovered new evidence that the Great Sphinx may have been the work of the little-known Pharaoh Djedefre (2528–2520 BCE), Khafra's half brother and a son of Khufu. Dobrev suggests that Djedefre built the Sphinx in the image of his father Khufu, identifying him with the sun god Ra in order to restore respect for their dynasty. Dobrev also notes, like Stadelmann and others, that the causeway connecting Khafre's pyramid to the temples was built around the Sphinx suggesting it was already in existence at the time.[12]

Frank Domingo, a forensic scientist in the New York City Police Department and an expert forensic anthropologist,[13] used detailed measurements of the Sphinx, forensic drawings and computer imaging to conclude that Khafra, as depicted on extant statuary, was not the model for the Sphinx's face.[14]

R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz, a French polymath and amateur Egyptologist, first noticed evidence of water erosion on the walls of the Sphinx Enclosure in the 1950s. Author John Anthony West investigated further and in 1989 sought the opinion of a geologist, Robert M. Schoch, associate professor of natural science at the College of General Studies, Boston University.[15]

From his investigation of the Enclosure's geology, Schoch concluded that the main type of weathering evident on the Sphinx Enclosure walls could only have been caused by prolonged and extensive rain.[16] According to Schoch, the area has experienced a mean annual rainfall of approximately one inch (2.5 cm) since the Old Kingdom (c. 2686–2134 BCE), and since Egypt’s last period of significant rainfall ended between the late fourth and early third millennia BCE,[17] he dates the Sphinx's construction to the sixth or fifth millennia BCE.[18][19][20]

Colin Reader agrees that the evidence of weathering indicates prolonged water erosion. Reader found, inter alia, that the flow of rainwater causing the weathering had been stemmed by the construction of 'Khufu's quarries',[21] which lie directly "upstream" of the Sphinx Enclosure, and therefore concludes that the Sphinx must predate the reign of Khufu (2589–2566 BCE), and certainly Khafra, by several hundred years. Reader however disagrees with Schoch's palaeometerological estimates, and instead concludes that the Sphinx dates to the Early Dynastic Period (c. 3150-2686 BCE).[9]

David Coxill, a geologist working independently of both Schoch and Reader, concludes from the evidence of weathering in the Enclosure:

    the Sphinx is at least 5,000 years old and pre-dates dynastic times [before 3100 BCE].[2]

Most Egyptologists, dating the building of the Sphinx to Khafra's reign (2520-2492 BCE), do not accept the Water Erosion Theory. Alternative explanations for the evidence of weathering, from Aeolian processes and acid rain to exfoliation, haloclasty, thermal expansion, and even the poor quality limestone of the Sphinx, have been put forward by Egyptologists and geologists, including Mark Lehner,[15] James A. Harrell of the University of Toledo,[22] Lal Gauri, John J. Sinai and Jayanta K. Bandyopadhyay,[23] Alex Bordeau,[24] and Lambert Dolphin, a former senior research physicist at SRI International.[25]

The chief proponents of the Water Erosion Theory and others have rejected these alternative explanations. Reader, for example, points to the tombs dug into the Enclosure walls during Dynasty XXVI (c. 600 BCE), and notes that the entrances of the tombs have weathered so lightly that original chisel marks are still clearly visible. He points out that if the weathering on the Enclosure walls (up to a metre deep in places) had been created by any of the proposed alternative causes of erosion, the tomb entrances would have been weathered much more severely.[26] Similarly, Schoch points out that the alternative explanations do not account for the absence of similar weathering patterns on other rock surfaces in the complex.[19]

Cranks And Crackpots:
A watermark of encrusted salt about half way up the pyramid shows that it was once under the sea. This puts its date of construction back before 10,000 BC, when all that area was under the Mediterranean. [Interesting.]
“Thus I give credit to those from whom I received
this account of Egypt, and am myself, moreover,
strongly of the same opinion, since I remarked
that the country projects into the sea further than
the neighbouring shores, and I observed that there
were shells upon the hills, and that salt exuded
from the soil to such an extent as even to injure
the pyramids...” Herodotus “The Histories,” Book Two, p. 13

This time marker for which Menes colonized Egypt from Ethiopia implies to me that these Egyptians are not the same people who built the great pyramids and Sphinx. They had inherited a civilization that they must have recognized as that of the Biblical Antediluvian civilization destroyed by the Great Flood and therefore recognize some aspects of it to continue it's legacy and adopts it's culture. The problem is that there were no inscriptions or any pictographs describing the people and civilization that built the great pyramids. In regards to the unique cultural identity of the Ethiopians as reflected in the Egyptian civilization, culture is defined by the environment. But if their were any remnant artifacts other than the Great Sphinx, which is lost to us now, describing some of the cultural characteristics of antediluvian world, then this may have contributed to ancient Egypt’s unique cultural identity.
This suggests that a high technical capacity of the Biblical Antediluvian civilization was involved at constructing the pyramids which knowledge may have lost to us now. It was typical that the acts of any trade was a guarded secret of priesthood or guild. That knowledge of how the pyramids were constructed may have died with them. Although remnants of secret knowledge may survive as encrypted clues in present secret society doctrines like the Freemasons. There may be some clues that are too archaic of a dead language to understand. Considering the precision and mathematics involved in the structure of the pyramids, only modern 20th century technology is capable of accomplishing the same degree of accuracy. Only if this Antediluvian civilization had some advanced secret knowledge, like room-temp superconductors and magnetic levitation would it account for achieving the construction as the Great Pyramids. Otherwise, I would say, considering the time frame, as I consider it to be of the modified chronology of the Jurassic Age, that fallen angels, the Nephillem or normal rudimentary technology aided by domesticated pachyderms as  being responsible in the construction of the pyramids.

However, I seriously doubt that any fallen angel or demigods would subject themselves to such physical labor. I don't think I need to explain anymore about that. If it is possible that they employed domesticated long necked herbivore dinosaurs, then I have to consider if any of those dinosaurs that existed at that time and in that part of Africa. Since I consider the common Flood legends as corresponding to the Jurassic Transgression, then of course it is possible dinosaurs still lived at that time. Next I found that there are fossil remains of dinosaurs know to have had occupied that part of North East Africa, especially Aegyptosaurus and Paralititan, two of the largest herbivores in Egypt before the Flood. Provided that they were capable of lifting and carrying or pulling 3 to 70 tones of the quarried blocks, would make them ideal for the construction of the pyramids. This means it is not that we currently don't have the technology to construct a pyramid of the same type as in Giza; but that the mind frame of employing only a simple technology as it was commonly assumed for that time of the ancient world and, which would substantiate the use of a simple technology, but also be quite capable and comparable to current modern steel crane technology. This is probably one reason of their being a lack of any written document explaining the type of technology they used to construct the pyramids because it is not a technology of any special significance.

Therefore, it seems unnecessary to consider that they employed a higher form of technology from what is common to modern technology. But, if it is possible that they had knowledge of a room-temp superconductive material and employed magnetic levitation technology, then at a very early time they have achieved a very advanced society in which possession of such technology posed a threat to the human race, more so than that of nuclear technology still posses a threat to humanity at present. With the violence that plagued the antediluvian world as indicated by the Bible in regards the fallen angels as demi-gods and their offspring the giants, titans called Nephillum. It seems absolutely necessary for God to intervene and stop their progress. It is obviously justified considering that all of their arts and science were not just inspired but directly revealed by the fallen angels, thereby interfering normal human development. In that case maybe such secret knowledge should stay a secret.

However, there is an overall benefit from which ever technology used. It is the purpose for which they had built the pyramids and sphinx. While it is certain that they were not made for or dedicated to any god in life or at death. Rather it is a shrine to the only most significant thing that is shared by all those ancient civilizations and peoples at that time of human history - the Garden of Eden, the paradise lost, the tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad, and the tree of Life. It is a given that since the only action God has taken to expel man from the Garden is to post Angels with flaming swords to guard the entry to the Garden; He did not destroyed in any way since then except by default by the Great Flood. It is hardly likely to have been lost to any people at that time since all generations had a direct relationship to it by living outside its borders.
In regards to the human psyche, if we would build shrines to living and forgotten heroes and gods then why would not people of the antediluvian world build a shrine of the birth place of mankind and voluntarily dedicate all their arts and science to it? This is probably the main reason there is an absence of any written inscription anywhere on or in the Sphinx and Great Pyramids, since it is a sacred place dedicated to no one person or tribe, but yet to all mankind a for posterity.

As a sacred site it is unlikely that any nation or religion with jurisdiction or claim over the property of the great pyramids and sphinx, would allow it to be dismantled and desecrated any further than it has been so far for the sake of reclaiming access by the same divine intervention against Adam and eve.
However, radiographic test had not revealed any other open spaces at the core base of the pyramid that would indicate the preservation of a garden or tree in a vaulted room if that were possible.

The problem I have with my own theory is that there is no reference to any colossal structure built in regards to the Antediluvian world or the Garden of Eden anywhere in the Bible, in the Book of Enoch or of any ancient mythologies. Unless there are 4 more pyramids lost somewhere under the Mediterranean sea or under the sand somewhere in North Africa, then the seven mountains often mentioned in the book of Enoch is in reference to the pyramids. But there is still no reference to the Sphinx.

Now, there is evidence that the sea may have actually covered over the pyramids and Sphinx and marine deposits had been attached, absorbed orembedded into the surface and crevices of the pyramids. Now if the architects had in mind for the pyramids being a means of protection against a great flood then the design would have served that purpose well. Since, the known chambers inside the pyramids could be flooded with sea water, all entrances and orifices were completely sealed with multiple doors. Also, the chambers within the pyramids were too small for the air pressure to compromise the structural integrity of the pyramids under a overwhelming flood of water.

And it would indicate that it was built during the time of Enoch by reason of his prophecies.  it is not possible that it is the actual Noah's ark because the inner chambers are not large enough, and it obviously does not conform to the Biblical description. In regards to the marine deposits it is noticeable that the majority of the casing stones that covers the pyramids are gone. If they had survived intact for the most part through the great flood then it seems reasonable that they would be completely stained with marine deposits thus the Egyptian inheritors upon colonizing the Delta would have polished the pyramid surface clean, or at least few centuries of weathering from wind, and sand storms would have cleaned the surface. However, what happened to most of the casing stones anyway? If they were loosened and stripped away by the torrents of the great flood them much of it would be scattered about. Then it would be the inner structural blocks that would have the marine deposits on them. This having a much less of a smooth surface would have much more enduring marine deposits on them. But so far only a faint amount marine deposits have ever been found anywhere on the pyramids by all the archaeologist and Egyptologist that have surveyed and examined them since the 1800's.

So then my point on continuity would have to be from the point of view that the casing stones had survived intact for the most part through the great flood and that all the missing casing stones were stripped off by later inhabitants, probably looking for an entrance. So as I had originally suggested they were designed as a shrine to protect a very significant stationary object or land mark rather than to enshrine any person or deity that bears no endemic integrity to that location, except perhaps Adam and Eve. Since Adam died during the Lifetime of Lamech and usually the woman lives a little longer then men then the first patriarchs had died by the time of Enoch's ministry. The world would have given them a proper burial back in the Garden of Eden by then in a fallow state. Overall the only thing that qualifies as absolutely significant to all the ancient West Asian civilizations is the Garden of Eden and the tree of knowledge and the tree of Life. However nothing in the books of Genesis or the book of Enoch or any mythological stories derived form the biblical patriarchs has any reference in regards to a colossal structure being built at all. Therefore, only the Biblical Antediluvian society would have interest in building this shrine and not boast any claim credit or purpose with any sort of graphic description on or in them.

The problem I have with any and all spiritual knowledge whether from the Bible or mysticism or divination is that for all these thousands of years, it has not ever advanced or revealed a realistic view or understanding of the real world of physics, astronomical objects and even the internal parts of the body, other than its observable and superficial characteristics. Be it from angels or demons neither seems to have the ability to impart any knowledge of physical scientific truth. It seems spiritual knowledge is strictly limited to the relationship of humans to God, to the spirit world and of the relationship of humans to each other and to the natural world. Spiritual knowledge has nothing to do with the physical world and how it works. Except that physical world is suppose to be a microcosm, a reflection of the spiritual world.
Thus there are no viable historical records regarding the antediluvian world, other than ancient historical legends of national patriarchs like in the Bible. So far the Bible is void of any reference to the Sphinx and Great Pyramids, even during postdiluvian times unless they really comprise the Tower of Babel. But, although it is logistically wrong it is the closest corresponding event in reference to a colossal building project. The Bible says that the tower was left incomplete, but it is known that the remaining inhabitants completed the work. Unless the missing casing stones is a result of the work being left unfinished. In that case then the word "Babel" must be in reference to a situation rather than to a place; and, likewise the "plains of Shinar." Then my original suggestion would be wrong and this was mainly just an attempt to create an edifice that could stand against another great flood as a sign of defiance to God Himself. The absence of any writing or graphic description in or out side of the pyramids is probably a result of a confusion of languages causing the builders being unable to agree on any official inscribed dedication to any part of the pyramids. But, then it is most likely that the Sphinx would be in the likeness of Nimrod, a.k.a. Sargon of Agad.
Why, why, why would the Bible mention the Tower of Babel as something significant but doesn’t exist anymore and yet have nothing to say about the pyramids. The Bible says the tower was built from bricks made from clay, so it is totally uncharacteristic of the stone quarried blocks used to build the pyramids.

The only way the pyramids could have been built is by a dinosaur powered (Flintstone, pun) type of technology or current steel crane and hydraulic type of technology or by some advanced magnetic levitation type of technology.
The dinosaur power technology is the most reasonable because the dinosaurs are the best substitute and more versatile than steel and hydraulic crane technology. The long necks, tail and massive body of certain dinosaurs is sufficient to provide the necessary leverage to pull and lift heavy tonnage loads as any steel and hydraulic crane. It is not beyond our capabilities as humans to handle and train large beasts to work for us, since we presently still do so with elephants, giraffes, whales and bulls. There is absolutely no evidence of any common use of iron much less of steel in ancient times least of all to produce large quantities to build cranes and even less so make steel cables. It is obvious that wood beams and flax, straw or hemp ropes is totally inadequate to pull and lift many of the stone blocks used to build the pyramids.

One thing is certain the Bible does not mention anyone or anything or event that does not directly relate to any of the Biblical patriarchs. For example, the other sons and daughters of the patriarchs that remains nameless and numerically vague. Also, the progeny of Cain remains non-existent in Biblical history after its brief genealogy. Despite the great civilizations they produced in China and India. Only the civilizations they produced in Africa and West Asia bear a direct relationship to the postdiluvian patriarchs. So any civilization during the antediluvian world remains likewise absolutely nonexistent.

I can only conclude that there was indeed a civilization centered around the Great Pyramids and Sphinx prior to the Jurassic Transgression a.k.a. the Great Flood. They employed a dinosaur powered technology and the pyramids of the Giza Plateau are shrines enclosing the two famous trees of the Garden of Eden. The third smaller pyramid was probably in fact a tomb for both Adam and Eve. The Sphinx is also a shrine for the location of the entrance East of the Garden of Eden where the angels stood with flaming swords guarding the way to the trees of knowledge and Life. The Garden having been abandoned and left fallow was of no longer any significance except as a Landmark, memorial shrine to our common ancestor and birthplace. If they were any inscribed dedication, it was on the outside on the casing stones that are now missing. Such a hoary past as a sentinel of our origins. A forgotten memorial.

All other mythologies are only derivatives of the Biblical stories of the antediluvian world, which of course offer no more insight of that world than does the Bible itself.

Explanations to the Noachian Flood and the Jurassic Transgression is made in my article “360.”
Explanation to the descendants of Cain is made in my article “Progeny of Cain.”

1. ^ a b Emporis – Great Sphinx of Giza
2. ^ Dunford, Jane; Fletcher, Joann; French, Carole (ed., 2007). Egypt: Eyewitness Travel Guide. London: Dorling Kindersley, 2007. ISBN 978-0-7566-2875-8.

4. ^ a b Coxill, David (1998). "The Riddle of the Sphinx", InScription: Journal of Ancient Egypt, 2 (Spring 1998), 17; cited in Schoch, Robert M. (2000). "New Studies Confirm Very Old Sphinx" in Dowell, Colette M. (ed). Circular Times.
5. ^ See Thutmose IV#Dates and length of reign

9. ^ Colavito, Jason (2001). "Who Built the Sphinx?" at Lost Civilizations Discovered. Retrieved 19 December 2008.
10. ^ Hawass, Zahi. (The Khufu at The Plateau. Retrieved 6 January 2009.
11. ^ a b c d Reader, Colin (2002). "Giza Before the Fourth Dynasty", Journal of the Ancient Chronology Forum, 9 (2002), 5–21. Retrieved 2008-12-17.

15. ^ a b c Fleming, Nic (2004-12-14). "I have solved riddle of the Sphinx, says Frenchman" in The Daily Telegraph. Updated 14 December 2004. Retrieved 28 June 2005.
16. ^ Riddle of the Sphinx Retrieved 6 November 2010.
17. ^ Taylor, Karen T., History of the IAI Forensic Art Discipline at the International Association for Identification. Retrieved 5 January 2009.

18. ^ West, John Anthony (1993). Serpent in the Sky: The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt, 232. Wheaton: Quest Books, 1993. ISBN 0-8356-0691-0.
19. ^ Sphinx Mystery: The Forgotten Origins of the Sanctuary of Anubis [Inner Traditions] 2009 Robert Temple
20. ^ a b Lehner, Mark (1991). Archaeology of an image: The Great Sphinx of Giza, doctoral dissertation, Yale University, 1991. Retrieved 17 December 2008.
21. ^ Schoch, Robert M. (1992). "Redating the Great Sphinx of Giza" in Circular Times, ed. Collette M. Dowell. Retrieved 17 December 2008.
22. ^ Palaeoclimate and environment, Fezzan Project, Climate Research Unit, Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of East Anglia. Retrieved 17 December 2008.
23. ^ Schoch, Robert M. (1995), "Response in Archaeology Magazine to Zahi Hawass and Mark Lehner" in Dowell, Colette M. (ed.). Circular Times.
24. ^ a b Schoch, Robert M. (1999–2000), "Geological Evidence pertaining to the Age of the Great Sphinx", in Spedicato, Emilio; Notarpietro, Adalberto (ed., 2002). New Scenarios on the Evolution of the Solar System and Consequences on History of Earth and Man, Proceedings of the Conference. Milan and Bergamo, 07–09 June 1999. Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Quaderni del Dipartmento di Matematica, Statistica, Informatica ed Applicazion, Serie Miscellanea. 3 (2002), 171–203.
25. ^ Michael Brass. "The Antiquity of Man Robert Schoch". Retrieved 2009-05-26
26.    ^ Haddingham, Evan "Uncovering Secrets of the Sphinx" Smithsonian magazine,  February 2010 [1]


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