A Theological Cosmology of Creation

 A Theological Cosmology of Creation

This theological cosmology is not intended to provide scientific proof for Biblical Creation, but rather to provide a model for the origin of the universe and of life, within reason and without conflict of observable scientific proofs. Ultimately this is to define the purpose of life and of the universe. This is necessary because the Darwinian Theory of Evolution is now science fiction:

1) "Life has never been observed to come from non-life."

2) "There is no known observable process by which new genetic information can be added to the genetic code of an organism."

3) Radioisotope and Carbon Dating methods are critically flawed.


Before the creation of our known finite universe, there is an infinite sea of quintessential energy otherwise known as Spirit. This is a sea of pure light and time as we know it is irrelevant there. This Spirit is personified as Eloim, who had no beginning, the Prime Constant. - Psalms 90:2; 83:18


Eloim created many things before our universe including a spiritual world of angels. We know them as the spirit sons of Eloim. They were created in the same spirit nature of Elohim, as divine, immortal and free-willed, by rank and station of alternate higher dimensions parallel to our three dimensional universe, being the fourth, fifth and sixth dimensions in respect to Cherubs, Seraphs and Archangels. - Hebrews 1:7; Job 38:4,7


Eloim then created our known universe by means of his angelic sons. First he used his first born son to create a vacuum bubble and a shell to separate our universe from the eternal sea of quintessential energy. Colossians 1:15-17


Next Eloim took some of His essence and injected it into our universe to create matter and energy as we know it. - John 4:24; Ps.36:9; Gen.2:21-23 (Not created from Nothing as in 1st Law of Thermodynamics).


Eloim, created laws to govern the physical universe of matter and energy. Thus a three dimensional nuclear system developed into the stars and planets as we know it. Therefore, the stellar material in the universe is able to expand to a finite distance until it all comes to a steady-state equilibrium.


"Now" on the first episodal "day" on the creation of physical life, one of these planets was our earth. Eloim encircled the earth with a force of energy to protect it and enable to hold onto the necessary elements to create life on it, especially the hydrosphere.  - ("Now" is a time marker that separates 1st episodal Day from Gen. 1:1; Luke 1:35).

Next Eloim caused the dark embryonic sun to begin to shine across the primordial solar system. This was the first episodal "day."


Next Eloim created microbial and plant life to live in the hydrosphere and to generate an atmosphere. This atmosphere also generated a thick layer of clouds. God called the atmosphere Sky. This was the second episodal "day."


Next Eloim caused the moon to be captured in earth's orbit. This caused a gravitational pull on the mantle to emerge and separate from the ocean. As dry land appeared, Eloim created plant and insect life to live on the land and generate a cleaner atmosphere.

This was the third episodal "day."


Next Eloim said, “Let the lights shine clear in the sky to separate day from night.

These lights will be used for signs, seasons, days and years.

They will shine in the sky to give light to the earth.”

And it happened.

So Eloim provided the two large lights.

He made the brighter light to rule the day.

He made the smaller light to rule the night.

He also made the stars visible.

Eloim provided all these in the sky to shine on the earth.

They are to rule over the day and over the night.

He provided them to separate the light from the darkness.

Eloim saw that all these things were good.

This was the fourth episodal "day."


Next Eloim created mortal creatures to occupy the water

and flying mortal creatures to occupy the sky.

This was the fifth episodal "day."


Next Eloim created mortal creatures to occupy the land.

Then Eloim said, “Let us make human beings immortal and divine.

And let them rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky.

Let them rule over the mortal creatures, over all the earth and over all the small crawling mortal creatures on the earth.”


So Eloim created human beings immortal.

In the earthly divinity of God he created them.

He created them male and female.

Eloim blessed them and said, “Have many children and grow in number.

Fill the earth and be its master.

Rule over the fish in the sea and over the birds in the sky.

Rule over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

Eloim said, “Look, I have given you all the plants that have grain for seeds.

And I have given you all the trees whose fruits have seeds in them.

They will be food for you.

I have given all the green plants to all the mortal creatures to eat.

They will be food for every mortal creatures, every bird of the air and every small crawling mortal creatures.”

And it happened.

Eloim looked at everything he had made, and it was very good.

This was the sixth episodal "day."


So the sky, the earth and all life that filled them were finished.

By the seventh day Eloim finished the work he had been doing.

So on the seventh day he rested from all his work.

Eloim blessed the seventh day and made it a holy day.

He made it holy because on that day he rested.

He rested from all the work he had done in creating the world.

Was each "day" of creation 24 hours or a episode of thousands of years?


"The Bible does not specify the length of each of the creative periods. Yet all six of them have ended, it being with respect to the sixth day (as in the case of each of the preceding five days): “And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, a sixth day.”(Ge.1:31)

However, this statement is not made regarding the seventh day, on which God proceeded to rest, indicating that it continued.(Ge.2:1-3)

Also, more than 4,000 years after the seventh day, or Eloim’s rest day, commenced, Paul indicated that it was still in progress. At Hebrews 4:1-11 he referred to the earlier words of David (Ps 95:7,8,11) and to Genesis 2:2 and urged: “Let us therefore do our utmost to enter into that rest.” By the apostle’s time, the seventh had been continuing for thousands of years and had not yet ended. The Thousand Year Reign of Immanuel Christ, who is Scripturally identified as “Lord of the Sabbath” (Mt.12:8), is evidently part of the Great Sabbath, Eloim’s rest day. (Re.20:1-6)

This would indicate the passing of thousands of years from the commencement of Eloim’s rest day to its end. The week of days set forth at Genesis 1:3 to 2:3, the last of which is a Sabbath, seems to parallel the week into which the Israelites divided their time, observing a Sabbath on the seventh day thereof, in keeping with the divine will. (Ex.20:8-11) And, since the seventh day has been continuing for thousands of years, it may reasonably be concluded that each of the six creative periods, or days, were at least thousands of years in length.

That a day can be longer than 24 hours is indicated by Genesis 2:4, which speaks of all the creative periods as one “day.” Also indicative of this is Peter’s inspired observation that “one day is with Jehovah as a thousand years and thousand years as one day.” (2Pe.3:8) [Which is in reference to Ps.90:4]. Ascribing not just 24 hours, but a longer period of time, thousands of years, to each of the creative days better harmonizes with the evidence found in the earth itself [actually in the distance of the stars]. (p.545, from “CREATION: Length of Creative Days.” Insight On The Scriptures. Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of N.Y., INC. International Bible Students Assoc., Bklyn., NY., U.S.A., 1988).


"and is based on a hope of the everlasting life that Eloim, who cannot lie, promised long ago" - Titus 1:2

"in order that through two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for Eloim to lie." - Hebrews 6:18

Eloim did not create the stars in the universe to deceptively look like they are old, when he specifically provided us those things to measure time. The majority of those stars are not less than six thousand years old. Therefore, a 24 hour Creative Day is impractical and unreasonable.


Each day of creation was approximately 7,000 years each: approximately 4,000 years from The Great Sabbath starting after the Creation of Adam to the 1st century, plus approximately 2,000 to the present, plus 1,000 years for the Millennial reign of the Messiah, equals approximately 7,000 years. Therefore, 7,000 years, seven times, equals to 49,000 years in total, since the time earth was lifeless, after the creation of the universe.

In support of this explanation, “The Jewish Encyclopedia” under ‘Chronology’ says:

THE CREATION: One of the Chaldean schools assumed seven periods, each of 240,000 years; that is, 1,680,000 years [coincidentally similar to the speed of light]. Each period of 10,000 years is measured by an hour of the seven days, which comprise Creation in Genesis (168 = 7 x 24).

FROM THE CREATION TO THE DELUGE: The Chaldeans admitted the eternity of the world [universe] without any beginning; but the existing astronomical bodies had a commencement. For the time from the creation of these to the great cataclysm, or the Deluge, they assumed a sexagesimal unit, the number of the seconds of the day: 60 x 60 x 24, or 86,400 units. The unit of the Babylonian school was 60 months, or 5 years; that is, 432,000 years. The Hindus fix the unit at 5,000 years, or 432,000,000.


The size of the universe itself is probably a cubic value of the speed of light: 6,434,856,000,000,000 lys, in other words three times the distance of the visible universe, because if the speed of light squared is the approximate, speculative distance of the visible universe which is 34,596,000,000 lys. Thus, divided by 60 seconds is 107,247,600,000,000 years old.





My son, if you accept my sayings And treasure up my commandments, By making your ear attentive to wisdom And inclining your heart to discernment; Moreover, if you call out for understanding And raise your voice for discernment; If you keep seeking for it as for silver, And you keep searching for it as for hidden treasures; Then you will understand the fear of Jehovah, And you will find the knowledge of Eloim.

- Proverbs 2:1-5-15 (Strange Woman: worldly wisdom as in Evolution)


This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true Eloim, and the one whom you sent, [Christ Immanuel]. - John 17:3 (Eloim wants you to know who he is. Eternal life is given to those who Know Eloim the Father and Know the Son).

a) Immanuel - Isaiah 7:14

b) Rev.3:14

c) John 5:24; 6:50,51; 11:26; Psalms 37:29

*****If the spirit dies then the body dies*****

*****If the spirit lives then the body lives*****

"...If you take away their spirit, they die and return to the dust. Psalms 104:29

d) Job 33:23–28; Genesis chapter 5 (Is an angel divine? Is an angel immortal? Are they Eloim the Creator or little eloims as sons of Eloim the Creator?).


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