In response to an essay published by Adam Lee, May 26, 2012, “Why are Christians so obsessed with the end times?”,  in

The ‘End of the World’ is not a delusional lie. It is an apparent obvious possibility that probably most people expect will happen, one way or another, one day.
What is delusional is people’s expectation that ‘God’ will intervene to end this world. The whole premise of the Bible is that man is incapable of self-governance to the benefit of all, creating a utopia.
The ‘End of the World’ will be the collapse and failure of this ‘Western civilization’, just the same as all past civilizations. The only difference is that, since this civilization is capable of destroying the entire planet, Allah will intervene to prevent that from happening. That is Armageddon (Psalms 46:9; Rev. 11:18).
It conforms to Allah’s Will of justice. It was the contention to this day that humans do not need ‘God’ to govern themselves, as proposed or suggested by the serpent devil in the Garden of Eden. So if Allah in reaction to all this derision and humiliation decides to destroy all of humanity before they can prove their ability to achieve utopia, then it will prove the Devil was right as a witness to all the angels that Allah is unrighteous, unjust, therefore none of them should serve Him and follow Satan instead. This is the point made by Job in chapter 1 and 2. This will be proven at the cost of all humanity. Satan does not care. His concern is that humanity should never become equal to the angels as immortals and that he himself should be the Most High.

It is prophesied that there will be a ‘great tribulation’ (Matt. 24:21,29,30), which implies a world crisis, a collapse in the world social order, and then there will be another world war, Armageddon (Rev. 16:14,16). How can anyone place a date on that? I know the Bible is flawed in a lot of things since it had been rewritten by the Catholic Church (citing Peter Cresswell), especially I suspect, much of the numbers in regards to them. But, don’t you have enough sense to read or see the ‘Sign of the Times’ (Matt.16:3)? Anyone should have enough sense to see that Western civilization is on the verge of collapsing, and there is nothing better that is going to replace it, unless you really do believe in a “New World Order”. What should we do to prepare for that inevitable outcome, either way? How about pioneering to make the world a better place by cleaning up the environmental mess and ‘love your neighbor as yourself’ as an everyday altruistic practice, not only after a disaster or simply preaching the ‘Good News’ as some think.
Then you may find out how it is that the meek will posses and inherit the earth (Psalms 37:11,29).
In  regards to the Bible having many flaws, the scripture about the ‘end times’ is a prominent one of them:

“As he sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately, saying, "Tell us, when will these things be, and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?"
For as the lightning [sunlight] comes from the east and shines as far as the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭24:3, 27‬ ‭ESV‬‬

“For the Son of Man will come like the lightning [sunlight] which flashes across the whole sky from the east to the west.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭24:27‬ ‭GNB‬‬


FREE ENERGY IS THE SIGN OF HIS COMING! It is as clear as daylight! But Satanic forces in this world has successfully blinded the minds of nearly everyone (2 Corinthians‬ ‭4:4), thus we all continue to grope around in darkness mentally or spiritually (Job 12:25; Acts 17:27). It is clear that free energy is a gift from Allah, to save us and deliver us from this wicked world and to establish a utopia, a Zion, a paradise on earth, but it is absolutely clear that only the “meek” can have free energy. The Messiah did not “Delay” (Heb. 10:37; Matt. 25:5), the Sign was here since the time of Nikola Tesla (which probably legitimize the mistranslation of Matt. 24:7; also see END NOTE), but we did not put any faith in it because we were looking for a different kind of salvation, a deliverance, a Rapture. We need to realize our responsibility to love each other and take care of this earth, not to continue to delude ourselves that we will be absolved of our responsibility, sent to heaven, and leave the earth to the wicked. The scriptures does not say the wicked will possess the earth but rather it is the “meek” (Psalm‬ ‭37:11, 29, 34; Matthew‬ ‭5:5).
“The earth remains forever.” Ecclesiastes 1:4 NWT (Gen. 2:15; Ps. 78:69; 104:5; 115:16).
It is by lovingly taking responsibility to take care of the earth and reclaim, rejuvenate ruined, polluted, devastated lands, that the meek will possess the land. In fact, it is by the possession of free energy that the wicked will destroy each other and actually fight against the Will of Allah by perverting it for their own selfish gain and lust for power. In their attempt to create a world government the very foundation of human government and multinational corporations will shatter and disintegrate with the proliferation of free energy. It is KARMA. Daniel‬ ‭2:45‬ ‭CEB‬‬

“The World of Free Energy” by Peter Linderman, D. Sc., March 1, 2001”
No National Government will ever do anything that simply gives an adversary an advantage for free. NEVER! It's national suicide. Any activity by any individual, inside or outside the country, that is interpreted as giving an adversary an edge or advantage, in any way, will be deemed a threat to "National Security." ALWAYS!
Free energy technology is a National Government's worst nightmare! Openly acknowledged, free energy technology sparks an unlimited arms race by all governments in a final attempt to gain absolute advantage and domination. Think about it. Do you think Japan will not feel intimidated if China gets free energy? Do you think Israel will sit by quietly as Iraq acquires free energy? Do you think India will allow Pakistan to develop free energy? Do you think the USA would not try to stop Osama bin Laden from getting free energy? Unlimited energy available to the current state of affairs on this planet leads to an inevitable reshuffling of the "balance of power." This could become an all-out war [Armageddon] to prevent "the other" from having the advantage of unlimited wealth and power. Everybody will want it, and at the same time, want to prevent everyone else from getting it.

Free energy technology is an outward manifestation of Divine Abundance. It is the engine of the economy of an enlightened society, where people voluntarily behave in a respectful and civil manner toward each other. Where each member of the society has everything they need, and do not covet what their neighbor has. Where war and physical violence has become socially unacceptable behavior and people’s differences are at least tolerated, if not enjoyed.
The appearance of free energy technology in the public domain is the dawning of a truly civilized age. It is an epochal event in human history. Nobody can “take credit” for it. Nobody can “get rich” on it. Nobody can “rule the world” with it. It is is simply, a Gift from [Allah]. It forces us all to take responsibility for our own actions and for our own self-disciplined self-restraint when needed. The world as it is currently ordered, cannot have free energy technology without being totally transformed by it into something else. This “civilization” has reached the pinnacle of its development, because it has birthed the seeds of its own transformation. The unspiritualized human animals cannot be trusted with free energy. They will only do what they have always done, which is take merciless advantage of each other, or kill each other and themselves in the process.
What is starting to happen is that inventors are publishing their work, instead of patenting it and keeping it secret. More and more, people are “giving away” information on these technologies in [e]books, videos and websites. While there is still a great deal of useless information about free energy on the internet, the availability of good information is rising rapidly.
It is imperative that you begin to gather all of the information you can on free energy systems. The reason for this is simple. The [multinational corporations and governments] will never allow an inventor or a company build and sell a free energy machine to you! The only way you will ever get one is if you, or a friend, build it yourself. This is exactly what thousands od people are already quietly starting to do.
You may feel wholly inadequate to the task, but start gathering information now.... Focus on what you can do now, not on how much there still is to be done.
If we stand up and refuse to remain ignorant and action-less, we can change the course of history. It is the aggregate of our combined action that can make a difference. Only the mass action that represents our consensus can create the world we want. The [multinational corporations and governments] WILL NOT help us put a fuelless power plant in our basements. They will not help us be free from their manipulations. Nevertheless, free energy technology is here. It is real, and it will change everything about the way we live, work and relate to each other. In the last analysis, free energy technology obsoletes greed and the fear for survival. But like all exercises of Spiritual Faith, we must manifest the generosity and trust in our own lives.
The Source of Free Energy is INSIDE of us. It is that excitement of expressing ourselves freely. It is our Spiritually guided intuition expressing itself without distraction, intimidation or manipulation. It is our open-heartedness. Ideally, the free energy technologies underpin a just society where everyone has enough food, clothing, shelter, self-worth, and the leisure time to contemplate the higher Spiritual meanings of Life. Do we not owe it to each other, to face down our fears, and take action to create this future for our children’s children? Perhaps I am not the only one waiting for me to act on a greater Truth.

Free energy technology is here. It has been here for decades. Communications technology and the internet have torn the veil of secrecy off of this remarkable fact. People all over the world are starting to build free energy devices for their own use. The Bankers and Governments do not want this to happen, but cannot stop it. Tremendous economic instabilities and wars will be used in the near future to distract people from joining the free energy movement. There will be essentially no major media of coverage of this aspect of what is going on. [This revolution will not be televised, as according Gill Scott Heron].

Western Society is spiraling down toward self-destruction, due to the accumulated effects of long-term greed and corruption. The general availability of free energy technology cannot stop this trend. It can only reinforce it. If however, you have a free energy device, you may be better positioned to survive the political/social/economic transition [collapse] that is underway. No National Government will survive this process. [Daniel 2:44, 45]
The last Great War [Armageddon] is almost [actually incumbent] upon us. Some of us who refuse to fight [against the Free Gift and Will of Allah] will survive to see the dawn of the [New] World of Free Energy. I challenge you to be among the ones who try.”

“Hope in Jehovah and follow his way, And he will exalt you to take possession of the earth. When the wicked are done away with, you will see it.” Psalms 37:34

“In the late 1880's, trade journals in the electrical sciences were predicting "free electricity" in the near future. Incredible discoveries about the nature of electricity were becoming common place. Nikola Tesla was demonstrating "wireless lighting" and other wonders associated with high frequency currents. There was an excitement about the future like never before.
Within 20 years, there would be automobiles, airplanes, movies, recorded music, telephones, radio, and practical cameras. The Victorian Age was giving way to something totally new. For the first time in history, common people were encouraged to envision a utopian future, filled with abundant modern transportation and communication, as well as jobs, housing and food for everyone. Disease would be conquered, and so would poverty. Life was getting better, and this time, everyone was going to get "a piece of the pie." So, what happened? In the midst of this technological explosion, where did the energy breakthroughs go? Was all of this excitement about "free electricity", which happened just before the beginning of the last century, all just wishful thinking that "real science" eventually disproved?
Actually, the answer to that question is NO. In fact, the opposite is true. Spectacular energy technologies were developed right along with the other breakthroughs. Since that time, multiple methods for producing vast amounts of energy at extremely low cost have been developed. None of these technologies have made it to the "open" consumer market as an article of commerce.” (By Peter Linderman).

I am only saying the above simply as a matter of faith. I have not been able make a free energy device as of yet. Living in poverty is a serious impediment to acquire resources that cost as little as one dollar US. I am obviously empathetic to people living in poverty.


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