Time and space is supposed to be infinite.
That is the domain of God Almighty Jehovah, the Creator.
Jehovah created his 1st born son as the beginning of all creation.
Everything was created with him and for him.
So, the heavens and the earth is our universe.
However, Jehovah is Eternal, from infinite time with infinite space.
So, it is reasonable to ask what has Jehovah done before the creation of our universe.
Our universe would be only a fraction of his domain which is infinite in time and space.
But, time and space is a reality only relavent to our universe.
God’s domain is an infinite dimension that would make time and space irrelevant.
There is every possibility that God has created many other things prior to our own universe, so there can exist a multiverse within God’s domain.
Our own universe is likely contained in a bubble like shell.
This shell itself could be what is considered to be Dark matter, and would make 90% of the unknown mass of the universe.
Within this universe the spiritual heavens co-exist within the physical heavens, more like as another dimension rather above it.
This means the heavens exist all around us, just as the physical heavens is all around us.
Every star in the heavens is probably not simply a metaphor for an angel.
Every star (but not planets) in the heavens is very likely their station.
By rank the 1st born son of God maintains the shell of our universe.
The sun of our solar system was likely the station of the first fallen angel, called “The Shining One.”

I) The first thing that is broken in the universe:
If according to astrology, the stars can influence human affairs and terrestrial events by their positions and aspects, then God’s prohibition of divination by means of them is not because it is unreal, but rather dangerous.
Since a third of the angels had abandoned their station and fallen to earth, and of course the planets are not stars, then anyone consulting the stars by divination are consulting with fallen angels, demons.

God made humans in his image as immortal, pro-creators, and a dominion over creation. If God’s plan is for humans to expand and populate the planets of the universe, then it is highly impractical this can be done as dying mortal creatures.
God created immortal spirits and immortal flesh to reflect his Eternal Being. This means being immortal is a brotherhood of egalitarianism with a profound respect for life and complete control of mind over flesh. However, the immortal spirits do not pro-create to have children. God made a physical world where flesh and blood creatures pro-create. As immortal, humans are like the angels, and as flesh humans are like mortal creatures, wherein they would co-inhabit two worlds, or dimensions.
But, it seems our immortality is conditional, completely dependent on the Tree of Life, which comes from God at his sole discretion.

II) The second thing that is broken in the universe:
The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad seems to be the tree of balance between life and death, to experience the mind and nature of a mortal beast.
The innate mind and nature of mortal creatures is of classifications, divisions, niches and boundaries, bound and conscience of time to fulfill their purpose, and to live and survive upon the death of others.
The two trees seem to be a choice over dominion of immortal life or mortal life. We were not going to be like God by knowing the good and the bad, as the serpent implied, but rather to be like the animals.
So, now humans are entirely unequal dominating each other as animals. We are not behaving like humans are suppose to be. We are behaving like animals, like beasts. However the beast kill other animals to eat and survive, whereas humans just kill in a wasteful lack of respect for life.
To be truly human is to behave as an immortal. The example of the Son of God on earth is his life, counsel and commandments to live and behave as immortals.
Since immortal spirits do not procreate to have children, then neither does the Son of God have children. However, we become his children when in the promised New Heavens and New Earth we become immortal again by means of the Son of God’s ransom sacrifice. Then he will be called “Father of our immortality” and then Jehovah becomes our Great Grandfather.

“When I look up at your skies, at what your fingers made— the moon and the stars that you set firmly in place— what are human beings that you think about them; what are human beings that you pay attention to them? You’ve made them only slightly less than divine, crowning them with glory and grandeur. You’ve let them rule over your handiwork, putting everything under their feet— all sheep and all cattle, the wild animals too, the birds in the sky, the fish of the ocean, everything that travels the pathways of the sea.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭8:3-8‬ ‭CEB‬‬


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