Where is heaven? Is it up above the earth? So, what is down, past the other side of the earth? What is to the left side of the earth? And what is to the right side of the earth? What is in front of the earth? And what is behind the earth? HAVE YOU REALIZED BY NOW? Heaven is all around us. In outer-space of earth, there is no up, down, left, right, front and back. Heaven is the entire universe. Now, we can ask, how far in outer space is the spiritual heavens? Why should it far from earth? Remember, the Bible has never distinguished the physical heavens from the spiritual heavens. The physical heavens is still as perfect as when Elohim finished creating it. There is no need for Elohim to consider it unholy ground. Only the earth has become unholy by humans polluting it with sin and garbage. So, again, where is heaven? IT IS ALL AROUND US. WE JUST CANNOT SEE IT BECAUSE WE HAVE BEEN SEPARATED FROM THE SPIRIT BECAUSE WE ARE UNHOLY WITH SIN. THE SPIRITUAL HEAVENS IS NOT DI...