We must realize something very important about the Messiah. He did not write one single letter or word about himself and what he taught. He did not build a church or school, even though he was a carpenter. And obviously he did not make a selfie. Unlike Mohammed, Mormon, Confucius, Rama, Buddha Can you imagine if he did? But, why didn’t he? Well, let's consider also that as the Son of God, he likewise did not reveal or contribute a single thing about science, technology or anything to advance our knowledge of the world. Yet again, neither has any of the angels and to some extent not even the fallen angels or demons. Why? Is it because they really don’t know anything about the natural world? Or, maybe it is because they actually have a policy of non-interference in primitive cultures and beings. Well, that sounds like science fiction. But, let's imagine where did we get that idea from. Maybe that is why there is a constant warfare between angels and demons. Anyway, back to the ...