CASTING LOTS is gambling

CASTING LOTS Is a form of DIVINATION And it is GAMBLING ( ) So, why is that from the time of the Hebrew scriptures to the Apostles in the New Testament, God’s people were not prohibited from CASTING LOTS? ( ) The Answer primarily is that their prayers were directed to the True God Jehovah, not to false gods and demons. Casting lots is considered not necessary anymore because we have the Holy Spirit to help us and answer our prayers, but what about gambling? There is absolutely nothing in the Ten Commandments or in the entire Mosaic Law that prohibit or condemns gambling. The problem is even greater because business and investing is gambling, and all competitive sports is gambling. Gambling is not simply playing cards, rolling dice or playing mahjong for money. And throwing or rolling dice is practically a literal example for casting lots. The Bible even endorses making money by investments: Deuteronomy 23:20;...