
Showing posts from November, 2018


Several times I have made a written summary of my life. It was a simplified version of my life that may have seemed unbelievable with certain expressions I used that may seem unclear and raised questions about certain aspects of my own life’s story. And this is the reaction of people of my own generation, even of my own family members. Now, I wonder if a summary of my life can so easily be misunderstood by people of my own generation, how more so will people misunderstand the life summary of people who lived thousands of years ago? That is exactly the problem with Biblical characters from The time of Genesis to, the time of the Messiah. It should be quite obvious that the simplified stories in the Bible are much more complicated in reality. Simple stories must be elucidated, not simply dismissed as unbelievable. I believe I found a companion legendary history to the Biblical story of Genesis. First, lets ask some questions to the narrative of Cain an Abel. “And again she bare his

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